Octomom has a new house, and while the mom of 14 has been plagued for most of her octuplets’ lives by an insecure housing situation, her foray into porn is now paying the bills.
Octomom’s new house is the house that porn … well, rented, at least, and while the business model isn’t sustainable, it will keep a roof over Nadya Suleman and her 14 kids’ heads for the foreseeable future.
Octomom’s new house comes after the mom of multiples has lived in at least two homes facing foreclosure — one belonging to her parents, who fell behind on bills after they were forced to pick up the slack when she began bringing home babies by the dozen. Octomom then lived elsewhere, but also found it hard to feed, clothe, educate and care for 14 children while also providing for all their needs, and paying the mortgage.
It seems that while you or I would exercise caution with 14 kids, Suleman is content in a large payday, enough so to rent a home that is fully loaded with fancy features.
A rep for Octomom describes her new house in Palmdale, California, saying :
“Nadya has leased a home in Palmdale … The home has five bedrooms and three full bathrooms as well as a 14,000-square-foot backyard that features a gated pool and spa and basketball court.”
The rep adds:
“She has covered many months in advance, and she is doing well now. She has been earning and doing well from several endorsements, appearances, taking calls from fans on DialAStar.com and her video. Her single ‘Sexy Party’ comes out Tuesday on iTunes.”
Do you think Octomom’s new house will be her home for many years to come, or do you think the impulsive mom and her huge brood will be out in the street again in a matter of months?