It is a movement that is slowly moving not only across the country but also moving north of the border to Canada and as a result many famous actors and musicians are turning up on the front lines of the OccupyWallStreeet protests. While the reaction to people like Susan Sarandon and Mark Ruffalo has been fairly even from both the pro and con camps Kanye West found himself facing some fairly quick negative reactions.
It is this type of thing, and the constantly fluid public opinion surround the whole OccupyWallStreet movement that is causing many of the managers and PR people employed by stars to recommend that the stars take it really slowly and try to keep as low a profile as possible.
Part of the reason for this suggested course of action is that studies have found that Americans are swift to react and especially in the case of conservatives avoid going to films starring actors whose politics they disagree with.
On the flip side are groups like Artists for Amnesty who believe that it is important for stars to get involved and that if given a chance to become involved they should take it, and what more important cause can there be than reacting to the anger and frustration over what is perceived as excessive greed by financial institutions and corporations.
However as much as we might see people like Michael Moore, Tim Robbins, Russell Simmons, Rosanne Barr, and Danny Glover willing to speak out in support Mark Ruffalo believes that there are an even larger number of famous people who support the OccupyWallStreet movement but keep silent for fear of losing work.