Obama Stars In ‘Mad Men’ Spin-Off ‘Chief Exec’ [Video]

Published on: March 26, 2012 at 10:09 AM

Last night the world was reintroduced to Don Draper and the cast of “Mad Men” as the hit AMC show returned after a 30 month hiatus, and soon, fans of the 1960s show could have another hero to root for, or against, with Barack Obama.

“The Chris Matthews Show” debuted the opening credits for a mock show, “Chief Exec,” which places President Obama into the shoes of Don Draper. Based off the “Mad Men” opening, Barack Obama is seen cascading past his rivals as images reflecting major campaign issues, gas prices, the economy, unemployment, are painted on the screen behind him.

Will Rabbe writes:

“Our own version of the “Mad Men” opening this week, starring President Obama. Our take of this iconic sequence portrays the struggles of President Obama’s 2012 campaign, showcasing his rivals and highlighting the issues that may complicate his bid for reelection in 2012.”

Rodney Turner did the animation for the “Mad Men” spin-off and Rodney Turner did the music, which if you listen closely, contains a “Hail to the Chief” motif.

Here’s the “Mad Men” spin-off featuring Barack Obama.

What do you think of the mock credits? Do you think Barack Obama would make a good Don Draper? Do you agree with the message of the video? Are issues like the price of gas and unemployment going to bring Obama down?

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