The Ninja Turtles movie filming is in full swing as Megan Fox was spotted on set holding a mic while portraying April O’Neil, the news reporter friends of the turtles.
She was spotted Monday carrying an umbrella during shooting in New York City’s Times Square.
Megan Fox hasn’t been the only famous Ninja Turtles cast member seen around the set. Will Arnett was also spotted, playing with his children Abel and Archibald between takes.
The Ninja Turtles movie also stars William Fichter, Whoopi Goldberg, and Mos Def.
There has been lot of attention round the upcoming reboot of the famous comic book turned television cartoon and movie series in the early 90s. The movie will delve into the back story of the teenage superheroes.
The synopsis for the Ninja Turtles movie explains: “Aliens invade Earth and inadvertently spawn a quartet of mutated reptilian warriors, the Ninja Turtles, who rise up against them to defend the world.”
There has been a bit of controversy among fans regarding the alien origin story , but director Michael Bay said that part of the story traces back to the Ninja Turtles comic book.
Michael Bay told Moviefone :
“It’s the ooze! It’s from the original source material. These are from the original writers, and I never went out to correct myself in the press. I do listen to the fans and I do want this to be authentic. I think they’re going to be really happy with this movie. When I see the digital stuff, the turtles look great.”
But Bay admitted the correct origin story may only be known to superfans of the series.
“If everyone was such a die-hard fan, they would know that the TCRI canisters where the ooze comes from. That is alien ooze. We’re expanding [the story], and the expansion will be true to the mythology,” he explained.
The Ninja Turtles movie is slated for release June 6, 2014 and has already built up anticipation.