Nicki Minaj tried green hair on Sunday. And she tweeted the Instagram link, so I know she’s dying for you people to check her out.
Some of Minaj’s Instagram photos are a trifle R-rated for our PG-rated site. And you’d expect a look topped up with a vivid green wig to come out pretty crazy.
But I’ll hand it to Nicki Minaj . The green hair is actually part of a truly elegant look that uses a rainbow of colors without clashing. Scroll down for her best Instagram of the look.
The radioactive green wig is actually styled in a classic manner and then slightly tousled. Her trademark pouty lips are bubblegum pink. And it all somehow works with the low-cut yellow dress and the orange sherbet jacket.
Minaj has been extremely active on Twitter and Instagram lately.
As every fan must know by now, she’s currently appearing in Chris Brown’s new video, Love More featuring Nicki Minaj. As you might expect from anything involving those two, it’s pretty spicy.
I’ve embedded that video down below in case you haven’t seen it yet. Feel free to enjoy Minaj’s playfully f-bomb spewing appearance, but it’s most definitely not safe for work.
What do the fans think?
On Instagram:
- helenisabelle: “You’re absolutely perfect. However I’m not too sure with the makeup on this one.”
- nickispinkbarbiex: “You’re the only person that can look pretty with green hair.”
And of course there were the usual one word comments like “gorgeous.”
On Twitter:
@NICKIMINAJ loved this shoot
— Skatty (@kaesMuny_) August 18, 2013
@NICKIMINAJ I love that wig
—? cameron? (@minaj_cameron) August 18, 2013
Most of us would look like we came from Mars if we showed up in a green wig. But the fans are right.
Nicki Minaj’s green hair looks great.
[Nicki Minaj green hair photos via her Instagram ]