The Prodigy is a highly anticipated horror movie set to release on February 8, 2019. Directed by Nicholas McCarthy, the film stars Taylor Schilling as a mother named Sarah whose young son, Miles, who is played by Jackson Robert Scott, begins to show some very disturbing behavioral traits that leads her to seek help. Audiences will recognize Taylor Schilling as Piper from the wildly popular Netflix series Orange Is The New Black.
Entertainment Weekly recently reported on the newest update for the upcoming horror film installment. The film’s first teaser came out, and it is quite bone-chilling, as can be seen above. The second movie trailer will be released tomorrow, and fans can likely expect it to give even more of a peak at the horrors which can be expected in theaters this February. The new movie poster has also been released for fans to check out.
The poster features the mother, Sarah, with her hands on Miles’ shoulders as he stares at the camera with a cold look on his face. On her shoulders are two ominous-looking hands peeking out from the darkness. Taylor Schilling’s expression is one of fear and concern. The poster is in muted colors, practically black and white, with the title of the film at the bottom, as well as a question that’s on everyone’s minds: “What’s wrong with Miles?”
According to McCarthy, when the film was prescreened for audience members, the scenes depicted provoked a more than satisfactory reaction to The Prodigy .
“The first time we previewed the movie, there is a section where people screamed so loud that we had to go back and re-edit the scene that followed it, because people were still recovering from what they had just seen, and they were missing the dialogue.”
Nicholas McCarthy is also known for his directorial work on At the Devil’s Door , The Pact , Final Vision , and the “Easter” segment on the anthology film Holidays . He also directed four episodes of the television series documentary A Crime to Remember. The child actor playing Miles, Jackson Robert Scott, is best known for his breakout role as Georgie in the 2017 remake of Stephen King’s It . Right now he is set to be in It: Chapter Two , Gossamer Folds , and a television series titled Locke and Key , all of which are in post- or pre-production, aside from the Gossamer Folds , which is currently filming. Jackson also appeared on Criminal Minds and Fear the Walking Dead prior to It .