Dragon Ball Super , a new series following up from the acclaimed Dragon Ball Z series, has been announced and is currently in development, according to multiple reports . Super , which is the first instalment in the Dragon Ball franchise in nearly 20 years, is set to take place just after Goku – the primary protagonist of the series – defeats Majin Buu, who was the primary antagonist for the last season of Dragon Ball Z .
So far, there has been nothing announced in regards to the plot, other than the fact that the world has become a peaceful place after Majin Buu’s destruction. Also, no information has been given as to whether the series will take place either before or after the events of Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods , which saw Goku, in a new Super Saiyin God form, take on Beerus, the God of Destruction, who was accompanied by his mentor and aide, Whis. It is also unclear as to whether or not this series will bridge the gap between Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball GT .
The announcement of the new series has taken social media by storm, with many fans of the series taking to Twitter in order to proclaim their excitement.
Dragon Ball Chou (Super)? Starting right after Goku beats Buu? By original creator? Sounds like they are trying to make all things right.
— Patrick Kowal (@patrickowal) April 28, 2015
New Dragon Ball series coming out in July? My excitement levels are over 9000! (I did it) http://t.co/lBqFa9AfyM
— Adam Turnbull (@_adamturnbull) April 28, 2015
New Dragon Ball series. Excuse me while I revisit my childhood and nerd out a bit http://t.co/wrmc611c5j
— Kyle Goins (@KyleKGGoins) April 28, 2015
All of the primary characters are set to return for the series, as are the voice cast that have been voicing them since the original Dragon Ball series. Producer Osamu Nozaki, who is set to take on Dragon Ball Super , commented on the new series saying that we may indeed see enemies who are much stronger than both Dragon Ball Z antagonists Frieza and Majin Buu.
“As I read the plot [of the series] I’ve already received from Akira Toriyama, my dreams for this begin to expand. An enemy even stronger than Buu or Frieza may appear.”
However, he did not elaborate on whether or not the upcoming Dragon Ball Z movie featuring Frieza will have any impact on the show, as Frieza is set to take on Goku and the other protagonists for the fourth time.
Dragon Ball Super is set to air in Japan this summer, but there has been no word as to when the English dub of the series will be released.
[Image via Dragon Ball Z Website]