Netizens Paint a Dark Future, Say It Is 'Obvious' That Elon Musk Bought X to Get Trump Elected

Netizens Paint a Dark Future, Say It Is 'Obvious' That Elon Musk Bought X to Get Trump Elected
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | (L) Photo by Chip Somodevilla (R) Photo by Chesnot

The environment of social media and politics is ever-changing. There is new speculation in the market that has swept over X (previously Twitter). Many Twitter users are bluntly stating their thoughts on why Elon Musk went on to buy the platform. Speculation believes he did it solely to aid former President Donald Trump's return to power. The user @theliamnissan started the tweet saying, "Elon bought this website to get Donald Trump elected."


Many echoed this sentiment, with @jimmy607 asserting, "It was never a business decision. It was never about 'free speech'. It was always about controlling narrative." This point suggests that there was a deeper motive for Musk to buy the platform. The discussion took on a more urgent tone after that. @quidprojlo questioned their continued use of the platform: "At what point is continuing to use this website enabling Musk and Trump? I wish a Twitter alternative like Blue Sky managed to take off."


Others delved into more complex theories. @r0z_75 offered a multi-faceted view: "And fuck with our stocks, direct activating dog whistles to the appropriate demographics, do a little social engineering, sabotage a few American legacy companies (like Tesla) and command (pfft) a stellar neural network. Musksy is quite the Enterprising dark mule, amirite?" Some users kept their responses brief but impactful. @erthcrclr simply stated, "where's the lie," implying agreement with the original post.



The notion that Musk's intentions were transparent from the start gained traction. @PawlowskiMario claimed, "It was obvious for a long time, I knew it since he first mentioned that he is interested in buying Twitter." However, not all users agreed with these theories. @INVEST327 offered a contrasting view: "If Elon didn't buy this app you probably wouldn't have the freedom to post that. The woke boys would've shadow banned any election tweet and push one sided advertising (propaganda)."

Image Source: GettyImages| Photo by Larry Busacca
Image Source: GettyImages | Photo by Larry Busacca

Some users took a more dramatic stance on the potential consequences. @LaBecs warned, "He overpaid and didn't care about losing what's a drop in the bucket to him, so he could then own the government. I'd advise americans to start packing. It'll be fun watching the white snowflakes becoming refugees of the very countries they've looked down upon all their lives." @Lyrics85 added historical context, stating, "Yup. And don't forget this happened right after getting he got banned."


These theories come within a broader political context in which tensions between current and former leaders are simmering. President Joe Biden recently tested positive for COVID-19, causing him to issue a statement that included direct references to Musk and Trump. In a post on X, Biden said, "I'm sick," before adding, "of Musk and his rich buddies trying to buy this election. And if you agree, pitch in here." The letter was accompanied by photographs of Musk and Trump.

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