Netizens Cringe Over First Ever MAGA-Themed Fashion Show: "Can’t Watch More Than 4 Seconds"

Netizens Cringe Over First Ever MAGA-Themed Fashion Show: "Can’t Watch More Than 4 Seconds"
Cover Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Chip Somodevilla

MAGA supporters and designers gathered for 'The America First Patriotic Designer Showcase,' a conservative-themed fashion show housed in a warehouse on Long Island. About a hundred people attended the unique event dedicated to showcasing haute couture inspired by former president Donald Trump. According to The New York Times, featured outfits included rhinestone-spelled 'Make America Great Again,' caps, jackets covered in sequins bearing catchphrases like 'Swifties for Trump,' and dresses with red and white stripes, with the words '2024, America's Comeback!' printed on it.



A lot of the show's goods were akin to campaign merchandise. Other less political items included shoes by Texas-based Brazilian designer, Claudia Lisotta, jackets from the New York brand, Elie Balleh, that were adorned with feathers and beads, and skirts from Lost and Found Apparel, a clothing line that embroiders Bible verses. According to the Daily Mail, netizens were left amused and unimpressed when videos of the MAGA-themed fashion show went viral. Liberals were prompt in mocking the fashion event, labeling it 'tacky' and 'cringe'.



"Oh, boy…I am not normally at a loss for words, but…Here we have the MAGA Fashion Show in Ronkonkoma, New York with the most beautiful America First gowns and MAGA garments by the country's *TOP* designers. I won’t even get into the 'Star Spangled Banner'”, an X user trolled. "Can’t watch more than 4 seconds. The talent at my local bars/breweries/wineries are much better," another chimed



"If you haven’t gotten your daily fill of cringe, the whole video is worth watching. It was a 'MAGA' fashion show on Long Island," a user echoed. "The MAGA fashion show in Ronkonkoma just took me out !!! The theatrics are just...White supremacy is clinging on for its dear life," another quipped. Right-leaning artist, Lena Ruseva, wore an American flag outfit as she walked the runway. Ruseva is a muralist who paints the faces of famous characters on Trump. 



Deborah Yanna, a designer who, earlier this year, introduced her collection of personalized sequined jackets inspired by Trump under the name 'Make America Sparkle Again,' also featured. Her coats were priced at $375 to $500, with different Trump catchphrases or slogans embellished on them. “I thought it would be fun because everyone gets dressed up there,” Yanna said. “I had no intention of selling them.” 

Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Chip Somodevilla
Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Chip Somodevilla


Furthermore, designer Sara Brady displayed a red ballgown with a picture of Trump and the words 'America's comeback' printed on the skirt. Republican Cindy Grosz, a native of Long Island who had lost a prior bid for a congressional seat, spearheaded the entire show. The national anthem was sung by Daniel Erbe, "an award-winning international professional singer," according to his website, who also performed his song Keep it Movin on stage. 

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