Netizens Brutally Troll Hillary Clinton Yet Again Over Her ‘Future President’ Post

Netizens Brutally Troll Hillary Clinton Yet Again Over Her ‘Future President’ Post
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Justin Sullivan

The internet can be a merciless place, especially when it comes to political figures. Recently, Hillary Clinton found herself at the center of a trolling storm when an old post of hers resurfaced. Back in 2016, she shared a childhood picture of herself with the caption, "Happy birthday to this future president." While the post initially seemed harmless, it has now become fodder for internet mockery following Kamala Harris’s announcement of her 2024 presidential bid.


Netizens wasted no time in jumping on the opportunity to ridicule Clinton. An X user opined, "I know she’s mad as hell right now," while another added, "I don't think it will ever happen for her." Meanwhile, alluding to the fact that Kamala Harris now has the chance to become the first female president in US history, one quipped, "Hillary watching Kamala running," along with a GIF depicting envy. "She has been seething since 2016," echoed a user. "Her chances were as slim as a gate stopping water," tweeted another. As the comments poured in, one read, "Does she enjoy being wrong?" Another user argued, "She punching the air and somehow still missing."


Despite the onslaught of trolling, Clinton has not shied away from endorsing Harris. In a passionate op-ed, she poured her heart out and rallied behind the vice president, describing her potential administration as an ‘unstoppable wave’ that could prevent Donald Trump from securing a second term. Clinton, who lost to Trump in the 2016 election, reiterated her and her husband’s endorsement for Harris in an opinion piece for The New York Times.


She wrote, “She represents a fresh start for American politics. She can offer a hopeful, unifying vision. She is talented, experienced, and ready to be president. And I know she can defeat Donald Trump. While it still pains me that I couldn’t break that highest, hardest glass ceiling, I’m proud that my two presidential campaigns made it seem normal to have a woman at the top of the ticket.”

 Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Francois Nel
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Francois Nel

As per The Independent, Clinton also highlighted the unique challenges Harris will face. She remarked, “Harris will face unique additional challenges as the first Black and South Asian woman to be at the top of a major party’s ticket. Harris’s record and character will be distorted and disparaged by a flood of disinformation and the kind of ugly prejudice we’re already hearing from MAGA mouthpieces. She and the campaign will have to cut through the noise, and all of us as voters must be thoughtful about what we read, believe, and share.”


In her op-ed, Clinton emphasized the significance of not being afraid. She exclaimed, “We shouldn’t be afraid. It is a trap to believe that progress is impossible. After all, I won the national popular vote by nearly three million in 2016, and it’s not so long ago that Americans overwhelmingly elected our first Black president.” She continued, “As we saw in the 2022 midterms, abortion bans and attacks on democracy are galvanizing women voters like never before. With Harris at the top of the ticket leading the way, this movement may become an unstoppable wave.”


Clinton acknowledged the bittersweet nature of Joe Biden stepping aside but praised his decision as an act of patriotism. She concluded, “Serving as president was [Biden’s] lifelong dream. And when he finally got there, he was exceptionally good at it. To give that up, to accept that finishing the job meant passing the baton, took real moral clarity. I know this wasn’t easy.” She added, “But it was the right thing to do. We have gained much as well: a new champion, an invigorated campaign, and a renewed sense of purpose. The time for hand-wringing is over. Now it’s time to organize, mobilize, and win.”

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