Nationwide People Are Joining The ‘Impeach Trump March Of 2017’

Published on: July 2, 2017 at 9:34 PM

Donald Trump’s presidency has been one of the most controversial presidencies in all of American history, or it will be soon if it’s not already. On July 2, just two days before the U.S. celebrates Independence Day, protestors gathered in cities all over the nation to protest for the impeachment of President Trump. Being called the “Impeach Trump March of 2017,” this nationwide event took place with thousands in Los Angeles alone, and other protest marches happening in Santa Ana, California, Seattle, Washington, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Denver, Colorado, Atlanta, Georgia, as many as 30 cities all together around the country.

In each city, people gathered and chanted anti-Trump slogans. In Denver, Colorado, the march started at the Denver Civic Center Park around 12:30 p.m. and protestors from there marched around the state capital as they chanted a quote from the Declaration of Independence. In Los Angeles thousands gathered downtown at 5th Street and Broadway, chanting “Down, down, down with Trump! Up, up, up with the people!” Similarly, in Santa Ana, California, people gathered at the civic center to protest and chanted, “Hey, hey, ho, ho! Donald Trump has to go!”

[Image by David McNew/Getty Images]

In Denver, Sam Montgomery, one of the co-organizers of the march, explained the reason for the protests.

“It’s not just about impeaching Trump — it’s about removing the damaged system that allowed him to be elected in the first place, and replacing it with something that actually works for the people.”

In Los Angeles, people spoke about many different reasons that they were there to support the impeachment of the 45th president . One of the biggest issues being cited was the healthcare “reform” bill that would potentially drop millions from access to healthcare through Medicaid, and the tax cuts to Medicaid itself. Two protestors carried a 15-foot-banner that read “Illegitimate Corrupt Puppet.” When asked why they chose those words, they claimed that they wanted to “cut to the heart of his (Trump’s) insecurities and fears” while keeping things “G” rated for the public.

[Image by David McNew/Getty Images]

Atlanta, Georgia, was probably one of the smallest protests , with only about 50 people showing up holding signs and chanting while marching from Piedmont Park to Centennial Olympic Park. People mentioned being there because of issues such as President Trump’s attitude toward women and minorities, citing issues such as the Muslim travel ban as things that should never have happened in the first place. They also mentioned that this is not going to be an easy process, and that it will probably take many of these impeachment marches for action to finally be taken.

Whether you are for or against the president, it’s clear that those who have disagreed with his presidency from the beginning do not plan to back down. In fact, the movement to impeach Trump has only continued to grow since before he was even inaugurated as president.

[Featured Image by David Ryder/Getty Images]

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