A satirical video that foreshadows the end of Donald Trump’s administration at the hands of Special Counsel Robert Mueller is being hailed as a cinematic “classic.”
Not long after Bob Mueller made formal criminal charges as part of his Russian meddling probe in the past election and possible collusion with the Trump campaign, the memes began on social media. However, one creative thinker went a step further and produced a video, “It’s Mueller Time! Trump Administration Season Ending,” that depicts White House aides and the president being arrested by federal agents. The spoof video is being compared to Orson Welles’ Citizen Kane movie.
As IMDb describes, the 1941 film centers on members of the press trying to make sense of a wealthy newspaper owner’s final words uttered before he died. The production is chock-full of flashback footage covering the tycoon’s colorful life, his rise to prominence, and his fall from grace.
Political commentator and author of Trump Is F*cking Crazy , Keith Olbermann, shared a video on Twitter that was supposedly created by a person only known as “1clone.” The Opposition Report called the Mueller video a “ masterpiece ” and compared it to a movie trailer “for the epic ending of the worst political mistake in American history.”
Without giving away spoilers, you can view the video below.
On Friday, CNN became the first network to report a break in Robert Mueller’s months-long investigation into the Trump administration after the president fired FBI Director James Comey and raised flags on both sides of the political aisle.
Top Dem donor: Indictment in Mueller investigation is a sign of Trump administration’s “lawlessness” https://t.co/swDFP0WOqy pic.twitter.com/sK21g0axsa
— The Hill (@thehill) October 29, 2017
Speculation ran rampant over who among Trump’s aides would be handcuffed and formally taken into custody — which could happen as early as Monday, as some legal experts predict. Many pundits suspect Trump’s former campaign manager and national security adviser, Paul Manafort and Michael Flynn, respectively, would be indicted next week.
NBC confirming CNN, WSJ on Mueller, adding there will be a Monday announcement of some kind about indictment(s) https://t.co/5Won35GFf6
— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) October 28, 2017
However, others think Mueller has targeted Donald Trump’s son-in-law and senior White House adviser, Jared Kushner, for the first arrest. He was allegedly part of the Trump Tower meeting with Donald Trump Jr. and Russian operatives about receiving possible “dirt” on Hillary Clinton in a quid pro quo agreement.
[Featured Images by Brendan Hoffman/Mark Wilson/Getty Images]