Rebecca Hudson from Manchester, England, is 26-years-old and already has four children. Christmas is rapidly approaching, and Rebecca has come up with an ingenious way of paying for all the expenses that entails.
Rebecca is selling her breast milk.
She revealed on the This Morning TV show that she has already earned some $5,000 by selling her milk for $20 for a 5 oz bottle. The idea came to her when she realized that she was producing more milk than her youngest child could actually utilize.
Ironically, she also revealed that she’d struggled to produce any milk when her daughter Milly was born 10 weeks premature, but then it started to arrive “in bucket loads,” she said.
Because her daughter was simply too small to consume more than 3-ounces per week, Hudson had soon filled up all her allocated hospital and home milk storage space.
She said, “I didn’t want to pour it away because it takes a lot of work to produce breast milk. It takes energy and time.”
According to the New York Daily News , Hudson attempted to donate her milk to the hospital, but they said it wasn’t needed – so she started searching online and found several women in the U.S. who were also selling their breast milk.
The Daily Mail reports that she already has a firm base of eight clients, one of whom is a bodybuilder. She says she is well aware that some of her clients are buying the milk for “sexual purposes,” and not to sustain other babies.
“What they do with the milk is up to them,” she said. “I’m not going to discriminate. There’s no difference for anyone who wants to use the milk, from a bodybuilder to someone who wants to use it sexually.”
She criticized people who claim that drinking breast milk is disgusting, saying, in effect, that it was the most natural thing in the world. Rebecca added that breast milk is also full of vitamins.
As she told her interviewers, “I thought, if I can make money for my children, I don’t see the harm.”
Actually, Rebecca Hudson isn’t the first person to make money from breast milk . Earlier this year, another mother, Allicia Mogavero, set up a company called “Mommy Milk Creations,” which uses breast milk to make jewelry.
Each piece is made by hand and takes up to five hours to create. She sells the jewels for $160 each. Indeed, her creations are so popular that she now has a 12-month waiting list. Mothers can also pay to have their own breast milk used in the jewelry.