‘Morning Joe’ Panel Explodes Over Trump Reportedly Calling for Staffers’ Execution: "This Is Insane"

‘Morning Joe’ Panel Explodes Over Trump Reportedly Calling for Staffers’ Execution: "This Is Insane"
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | (L) Photo by Rob Kim ; (R) Photo by Anna Moneymaker

Morning Joe's panel was flummoxed by the latest "insane" disclosure about former president Donald Trump calling for staffers' executions while he was president.

Alyssa Farah Griffin, who worked as the director of communications for Trump back in 2020, said on the most recent edition of Mediaite's Press Club podcast that the former president had called for the execution of a White House employee. The Morning Joe panel, featuring this clip, slammed the former president. 



On June 17, Morning Joe included Eugene Robinson of The Washington Post as a guest, following his opinion piece that questioned Trump's mental acuity, per Mediaite.

As the general election draws nearer, MSNBC presenters Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski spoke to the panelists, opining that Trump's temperament should be examined as he seems capable of rashly advocating for the execution of a White House official over a simple press leak.


“We’re talking about the President of the United States talking about how members of his staff should be executed, for leaking information that he didn’t want leaked, which was not national security information or anything. It’s just something that he thinks is embarrassing to him. Absolutely unprecedented and insane,” Robinson commented. 


The panelists also went into discussing former Attorney General Bill Barr, who dismissed the seriousness of Griffin's allegations back in April, per Mediaite. “So, Gene, let’s get this right,” Scarborough began, addressing Robinson.

“The Attorney General of the United States heard the commander-in-chief calling for the execution of staff members. And then when he is asked about it… he’s going to endorse for president the man who is calling for the execution of staff members.”

Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by  Dominik Bindl
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Dominik Bindl


Eugene Robinson expressed his concerns, saying that literal interpretation is necessary, especially when Trump, as President, stated “I want to execute that person.” When Trump talks about “boats and electrocution and sharks” at rallies, Robinson said, these statements must be taken seriously. The columnist stressed that this behavior is “not normal, and this is not acceptable or safe for the country.”



Scarborough criticized Bill Barr's decision to endorse Trump, despite Trump calling for the execution of staff members. He pointed out Barr’s reaction: “I guess Barr is shocked and stunned by Joe Biden’s student debt relief plan. That’s where they always run to. ‘Oh, well, if you think January 6th was bad, and calling for the execution of staff members is bad, what about Joe Biden’s three-tier plan to relieve students of their debt?’”

Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Sean Rayford
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Sean Rayford


Scarborough emphasized that lawyers, trained to remember significant statements, would have noted such an extreme comment from the President, but as Republicans, they're urged to throw all this out and support Trump. “We actually have Republicans that are going to go out and endorse a guy who called for the execution of fellow staff members and then claims he doesn’t remember it,” Scarborough slammed.

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