When ‘Morning Joe’ Asked Trump ‘Why Do You Hate America’, Destroying His Sad Campaign Message

When ‘Morning Joe’ Asked Trump ‘Why Do You Hate America’, Destroying His Sad Campaign Message
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | (L) Photo by Noam Galai ; (R) Alex Wong

Joe Scarborough of MSNBC dismantled Donald Trump's central campaign theme, 'America sucks.' In a strong segment condemning the messaging of the former president's new campaign, the Morning Joe anchor stated that although the former president secured the Republican nomination in the Super Tuesday GOP primaries, his disparaging remarks would not be embraced by those who are not part of his ardent fan base, Raw Story reported.


"Despite the fact that Donald Trump was doing very well last night and his side of the ring, a side that lost seven years in a row and is sure to lose again this year if the Democrats and independents work hard, he kept trashing America. That is Donald Trump's message," Scarborough said, per MSNBC, slamming the business mogul's messaging to his supporters.


"Ronald Reagan talking about a city shining brightly on the hill, but Donald Trump's message is 'America sucks.' It was 'America sucks' before he got elected, it is America sucks now," the news anchor emphasized. "He talked about American carnage even after he got elected. He lied about an illegal invasion when Barack Obama and Joe Biden had rates at 50-year lows of illegal border crossings," Scarborough said, slamming Trump's lies about immigration.


Taking offense at Trump's suggestion that America was like a 'third-world country,' the anchor continued to slam, "I didn't know third-world countries had unemployment below 4 percent two years running for the first time since the 1960s. Inflation is down to 3.1 percent, historically low. You look at our GDP, compare that to the rest of the world – not third world, first world."


Scarborough further emphasized that the US was doing better than its 'friends, we're doing better than all of our allies.' In particular, he also said the country could hold its own against 'all the people who consider themselves to be America's enemies,' particularly pointing out how the military has a robust operation and is often considered one of the best globally.


"I'm an American, so I'm kind of proud of that, and we fret about a movement that is based on the proposition that the United States of America sucks," shared the newsman. Pointing fingers at her colleagues from right-wing media organizations, the anchor said, "Fox News talks about how America sucks or Newsmax talks about how America sucks," Scarborough said. "They are liars, they are liars."

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Leon Neal
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Leon Neal

"That's the crazy thing – Donald Trump's campaign is based on so many lies," he added. "To me, the most offensive is that we're a third-world country, that our economy sucks, that our military sucks, that our democracy sucks, when in fact just the opposite is true."


Scarborough didn't stop there, "We are the greatest in the world. I'm proud to be an American. This is the greatest country in the world, and yet Donald Trump wins votes. What is wrong with you people? Why do you hate America, why do you vote for a guy that says America is terrible? That it is a third-world country? When all the evidence is to the contrary. This is why they lose every year because they run campaigns dedicated to trashing the greatest country on the face of the earth."

This article was originally published on 03.07.24.

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