Model Alessandra Ambrosio shared a photo recently on Instagram of her latest ad for Lascana. In the picture, Alessandra is wearing a matching lingerie set, including a lacy bra with matching thong bottoms. She showcased her toned body, as she posed with her right arm over her head. The caption in the ad said, “Who decides what’s sexy? Me.” The model was excited to show off the ad, as she exclaimed in the captions, “Happy to continue #yourworldyourrules with LASCANA!”
Ambrosio’s fans let her know that she’s “Totally complete perfection,” while another hoped that she would show up for this year’s Victoria’s Secret show in New York. However, that fan is going to be disappointed to find out that the model actually retired from the catwalk last year, according to Harper’s Bazaar . In fact, this year’s VS show will be the first one in 17 years without Ambrosio.
Today, Alessandra was spotted out and about wearing a pair of short daisy dukes and a metallic black jacket. The model wore some ankle boots, along with a plain white T-shirt. She was headed to pick up her daughter Anja, and her son, Noah. Her kids matched each other, wearing bright red shirts.
Alessandra also posted a series of photos of herself rocking a chic outfit which showcased her toned abs. The caption said, “Au Revoir Paris…” In the pictures, she wore light denim jeans, black spiked heel boots, and a white crop tank. The best part of the outfit, however, was a black jacket with white, fuzzy accents. Ambrosio accessorized simply with a necklace and a pair of sunglasses, as she wore her hair pulled back. One fan noted, “Walking legend,” as another simply stated, “Fabulous.”
The model’s work with Victoria’s Secret was her claim to fame, but she’s also been busy working with big luxury brands like Chanel, Armani, and Dior, detailed the Daily Mail . Notably, Ambrosio was the sixth highest-paid model in 2012, when she reportedly made over $6 million.
Ambrosio doesn’t give many interviews, but when she does, she makes them count. Back in 2016, she discussed how having kids changed her body, for the better.
“Your body will never go back to exactly what it was before pregnancy, whatever people tell you. It can’t. But I think I have a better body now than before I had kids. It’s partly because I work out, whereas before I didn’t, but also to do with the shape—it just looks more formed now and I feel better about it than I did.”