Former Victoria’s Secret model Alessandra Ambrosio shared a couple of pictures on Instagram of herself wearing lingerie. In the first photo, the model leaned against a white wall as she tilted her head back. As a result, you couldn’t see her face, but she showcased her toned body in a simple lingerie set. In the second photo, Alessandra looked straight at the camera as she played with her hair with her left hand. The close-up photo only showed a little of her lacy bra, which had an intricate strap design. The first photo was captioned, “Love your light,” while the second one said, “Friday I’m in love.”
The model, who has over 9.5 million followers, received tons of compliments on both posts. In other news, she recently gave an interview to Khaleej Times , during which she reminisced about her Victoria’s Secret days when asked about what it was like to be an Angel.
“The highlights have always been doing the (Victoria’s Secret) fashion shows and wearing the fantasy bra. I got to do it twice so it was such an honour — it’s a special memory in mind.”
The model also revealed the Brazilian culture that she’s from, which embraces the female form in all its varieties and differences, detailed Elle .
“Every woman’s body is spectacular there, not because it’s perfect but because they’re loving life. It’s never been about having a Barbie-like physique in Brazil but having the right curves, whatever your proportions or size.”
Alessandra also talked about how the carnival culture also has to do with this way of thinking, because women “will parade around barely wearing a thing.”
Also, earlier this month, Ambrosio headed to Dubai after attending Paris Fashion Week in France, described Arab News . She attended the World of Fashion event, and was spotted at the Mall of the Emirates. At the time, the model shared a photo of her stunning red dress with a high slit.
Since then, Alessandra has shared gorgeous sunset pictures from Malibu, California, and also has been posting pictures with her kids.
And that’s not all. In another series of photos from a few days ago, Ambrosio stunned in a bright red dress. The strapless dress had tons of volume, with a small skirt in front that transformed into a large train. The piece is from Omega’s Constellation collection, which she modeled in Shanghai, China. She also wore a pair of simple red heels, and sported matching lipstick.