Thousands of people have signed onto a plan aimed at storming Area 51 in Nevada later this year, but the military is warning the UFO enthusiasts that it “stands ready to protect America and its assets.” The Washington Post spoke with Air Force spokeswoman Laura McAndrews about the plot, and while she avoided providing specifics, she said that the air force was prepared to handle anyone who attempts to enter the area.
“[Area 51] is an open training range for the U.S. Air Force, and we would discourage anyone from trying to come into the area where we train American armed forces,” McAndrews said. “The U.S. Air Force always stands ready to protect America and its assets.”
Over 450,000 people have signed onto a Facebook event page where like-minded UFO enthusiasts and conspiracy theorists have gathered with the goal of finding out what secrets the infamous Area 51 holds. About the same number have indicated that they are interested in the event. The nearly million people hope to uncover and liberate any extraterrestrial life that they believe is being held in the area where UFOs are believed to have been spotted.
The idea is that if half a million people storm the formerly secret military base, the government won’t be able to stop them all and they’ll be able to breach the base and find out its secrets.
“They can’t stop all of us,” the group’s tagline says.
While the event hosts say that the idea is meant to be a joke, many of the attendees appear to be taking it seriously, as The Inquisitr reported. Jackson Barnes, who organized the event, stepped away from the September 20th event.
Feds warns UFO enthusiasts to think twice about storming Area 51: The military “stands ready”
— The Hill (@thehill) July 14, 2019
“Hello US government, this is a joke, and I do not actually intend to go ahead with this plan. I just thought it would be funny and get me some thumbsy uppies on the internet. I’m not responsible if people decide to actually storm area 51,” he said.
While most people seem to realize that the event is meant to be humorous, there’s no telling how many others might be serious about checking out the spot, which Americans were told for decades didn’t even exist. But McAndrews isn’t taking the event as a joke. She says that the facility we be protected by the military if anyone tries to put the plan into action.
People who have attempted to visit the area, which the CIA admitted exists in 2013, are greeting with signs warning that they could be subject to “deadly force” if they attempt to enter the area. A tourist bus that attempted to visit was stopped in 2014 by people in military clothing and the driver was fined.