Michael Keaton could be joining the DC Comics movie universe in an old familiar role if recent contract talks work out. According to an article on Monday from Umberto Gonzalez of The Wrap , the veteran actor could be donning the cowl of Batman at least one more time. If everything works out as the rumors have suggested, he could be taking on the role of the Dark Knight several more times.
The reported plan is for Keaton to play Batman in the upcoming The Flash movie alongside star Ezra Miller. Gonzalez said the extent of screen time and where Batman would fit into the plot is not yet known. The reporter noted talks are still in the very early stages and things could go either way. What is known of the upcoming movie about the renowned speedster is that it will introduce the concept of the multiverse into DC’s movie universe.
The multiverse is a concept first created as a way to explain various inconsistencies in the first, the comics, then the television shows, and now the movies. The use of the multiverse also allows DC to explain away different actors playing the same role in movies and television shows. It’s also expected to be used to combine characters from films that didn’t fit together previously. Conceivably, it could bring characters like Joaquin Phoenix’s Joker into another Aquaman movie. It could even allow him Phoenix to face off against Keaton’s Batman.
Borys Kit of The Hollywood Reporter said the veteran actor could be involved in more than The Flash if all goes well. Keaton could play the same caped crusader in several other DCU projects. One upcoming movie Kit was told would be a perfect fit for the actor would be Batgirl .
Keaton, who would play an older Bruce Wayne and Batman than even Ben Affleck portrayed, could get cast as a kind of caretaker and leader of the Justice League. This reported vision for Batman would have him staying out of action a bit more. Sources told Kit the role would be similar to what Samuel L. Jackson did with the part of Nick Fury in the MCU.
Gonzalez said there is one reported detail about how Batman would fit into The Flash movie. Keaton last played the character in 1992’s Batman Returns . He then left the series when Tim Burton was replaced as the director for the third film. The late Joel Schumacher took over that version of the series with two campier films. The Flash is said to act as though Schumacher’s films never existed and will examine what Batman has been up to since Batman Returns .
It’s said Ezra Miller’s cowled hero will travel back in time using his speed powers to attempt and save his mother. That act will create a separate universe where Keaton’s Batman has been fighting crime for 30 years.