Here's Why Melania Trump Is Eyeing This Person to Become Donald Trump's Vice President

Here's Why Melania Trump Is Eyeing This Person to Become Donald Trump's Vice President
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Sarah Silbiger

Melania Trump allegedly desires that Donald Trump's future vice president be a Fox News pundit who was dismissed. As reported by Axios, the former first lady is in favor of Tucker Carlson serving as Trump's running partner in the 2024 presidential contest. Melania thinks Carlson would be a formidable extension of her husband on stage.

However, there is fierce competition because, according to the outlet, Trump is also thinking about more seasoned politicians for the No. 2 position. These include Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio), Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders of Arkansas, Gov. Kristi Noem of South Dakota, and Reps. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.) and Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.). 

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A Trump campaign insider refuted Axios' allegation and told The Post that the president isn't considering anything other than the GOP primary elections. The insider revealed, "The Axios story is pure fiction. Unless there is a formal announcement from President Trump or his campaign team, then it’s just speculation and not coming from us. President Trump is solely focused on winning the Republican nomination and then defeating Crooked Joe Biden in the general election."

As per the Axios report, Trump is opposed to his friends and staff making assumptions about certain people's roles since he hasn't decided on them. Detailed personnel planning is not in his DNA, and a lot of it relies on who he's spoken to recently. Many individuals close to Trump have disregarded the concept of Tucker Carlson because they believe he would never choose someone who could surpass him. Additionally, Trump's team believes—erroneously—that Carlson is uncontrollable.

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Joe Raedle
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Joe Raedle


If he wins back the White House, Trump and his supporters are gearing up for an aggressive extension of their authority. This entails more authority to repress immigration and restructure the Justice Department to penalize opponents. As reported by NBC News, at a Fox News town hall recently, Trump played down concerns about his tendency toward authoritarianism, saying he would only act like a dictator on "Day 1" in order to seal the border and begin drilling. "After that, I'm not a dictator, OK?" Trump said.

The Trump campaign and its allies are compiling comprehensive strategy manuals. His plans diverge greatly from those of President Joe Biden, as do even the topics he prioritizes. His administration was characterized by turmoil, internal strife, and a spate of hurriedly drafted executive orders that the courts swiftly reversed, particularly in the early going.

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With 91 criminal counts against him, Trump is the front-runner for the Republican nominee. An unprecedented chain of events in the history of American politics and law may result from trying him either before the convention or during the general election. There's a chance that Trump may go through a trial as a criminal defendant, making him the first former president in American history to do so.

Beginning in early March, the trial will address allegations that Mr. Trump engaged in a conspiracy to rig the 2020 election. A jury will probably hear testimony against Mr. Trump before to the 2024 election, maybe even before the Republican Party's July nominating conference in Milwaukee, though the exact timing is still up in the air.

Editor's note: This article was originally published on December 9, 2023. It has since been updated.

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