As Megyn Kelly celebrates the one year anniversary of her show, she has a lot to celebrate and a few things that she would like to forget.
It’s hard to believe that it has already been a year since Kelly took the hosting seat for her show Megyn Kelly Today . And last September, there was one interview that had everyone talking — Kelly’s sit down with actress Jane Fonda. The talk show host recently chatted with Us Weekly , where she spoke about the now infamous interview.
“I certainly wish I hadn’t put on Jane Fonda. That didn’t go well!”
As many will recall, Fonda became upset last year when Kelly questioned her on plastic surgery procedures that she had gotten done.
“You’ve been an example to everyone in how to age beautifully and with strength and unapologetically,” Kelly said to Fonda last year. “You admit you’ve had work done, which I think is to your credit, but you look amazing. I read that you said you felt you’re not proud to admit that you’ve had work done. Why not?”
But Fonda clearly didn’t like the question and the proof was in her response.
“We really want to talk about that now? Good attitude, good posture, I take care of myself. But let me tell you why I love this movie that we did, Our Souls at Night, rather than plastic surgery.”
Megyn Kelly is right about Jane Fonda by @emilyjashinsky
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) January 25, 2018
Since then, the ladies have been at odds with both of them talking about one another in a few different interviews. But, Megyn says that she has no regrets for her question that set Fonda off, especially since Jane has answered the same exact question for numerous other media outlets.
“She answered that question in about 40 different forums,” Kelly claims. “It was nothing wrong with me. And she’s answered it in 40 more forums since!”
In fact, Kelly even goes on to say that she thinks Fonda’s displeasure with her question stems from the fact that Megyn used to work at Fox News, a well-known conservative news channel. Now, Kelly says that there’s nothing that she can really do if people do not like her or the fact that she used to work at Fox News, it’s just part of life.
But after the interview, Kelly shares that the thing that made her the most mad was the fact the Fonda kept on slamming her in interviews time and time again.
“You have to take your licks as a reporter, as an anchor. And she did it again, and she did it again, and she did it again and I didn’t say anything.”
Kelly eventually did end up breaking her silence on the feud on one of her shows, referring to Fonda as “Hanoi Jane,” a nickname that she gained in 1972 following a protest.
You can catch Megyn Kelly Today weekday mornings on NBC.