On Tuesday, rapper Meek Mill revealed via social media that his grandmother’s home had been targeted by racist graffiti. According to People , her Philadelphia residence was subjected to a bout of “racial remarks” — and Mill actually caught some of the criminals on camera.
Mill took to his Instagram to share footage of the incident. In the video, which appears to be from a security camera nearby, a man walks over to the side of the building holding a spray can. He then sprays graffiti on the brick wall before calmly walking off down the street.
The graffiti appears to spell out the word “ACORN” in big bold letters. This word has come to be associated with Neo-Nazi groups and is often used as slang for “white power.”
“A white man sprayed racial remarks on my Grandmom’s house last night in south philly referencing white Privileged,” Mill wrote in the caption on Instagram. “The crazy part is this was an all black neighborhood 20 years ago It was gentrified and now this!! The funny part is we just bought this house,” he continued. “After its remodeled more blacks coming soon!”
And it looks like Meek Mill isn’t content to sit idly by while this sort of thing takes place. The rapper has reportedly filed a police report in Philadelphia as of Tuesday morning. Police are currently investigating the incident and looking for the man responsible for the graffiti.
According to local news reports, this is not the first time the South Philadelphia area has been targeted by graffiti promoting white pride in recent months. However, police are not yet sure whether the man who tagged the home of Mill’s grandmother is connected to these other acts of vandalism.
However, it is worth noting that additional buildings were reported as tagged on Monday night by the Blast . At least one of the additional pieces of graffiti used the word “acorn” as well.
Mill is no stranger to the legal world; he’s become a passionate advocate for criminal and social justice reform since being released from prison this summer due to a probation violation. The violation comes from a Philadelphia case that is decades old — and it inspired Mill to become a proponent for reform.
After his release, Mill took to the media to speak out against a system he’s termed “extremely hard for us to get out.” Mill also criticized the system for overly incarcerating young black men, even those who had not actually committed crimes.
“There’s a lot of things in the system that clearly don’t make sense,” he said in an interview with CNN .