Marshawn Lynch has his eyes set on football these days, as he’s enjoying his time back on the field. After leaving the Seattle Seahawks a few years ago, Lynch decided to return to the NFL, and he wanted to play for his home team of Oakland. Lynch has enjoyed his time with the team, and it sounds like his mother, Delisa Lynch, loves seeing her son play football for his hometown. While his mother is supportive of the entire team, she has no problem speaking out to defend her son.
It was just one week ago that Lynch’s mother made headlines for slamming President Donald Trump. Trump had called for Marshawn Lynch to be fired after he sat down during the American anthem but stood for the Mexican anthem. Delisa slammed Trump, calling him out for not owning an NFL team , reminding him of the time he lost out in a bid for the Buffalo Bills. After such a statement, one could imagine that she would face harsh comments from Trump supporters, but it sounds like Delisa has played it cool. Her actions reveal that she has her priorities straight, as she didn’t continue to slam the president . In addition, she proves that she was merely protecting her son, who had been attacked by the country’s leader.
This weekend, Delisa shared various tweets, and she’s setting the perfect example of a mother who knows what is right and what is wrong. Instead of using her platform to bash the president, she decided to speak to fans, encourage her son as he took on the Denver Broncos and even gave credit to the quarterback, Derek Carr.
On her Twitter account, fans did see a single retweet that called President Trump the worst president ever. Delisa has never hidden the fact that she’s not too happy with the sitting president, and it didn’t help that he went after her son. But she proved that her priorities included her fans and her family. Based on her tweet, she took some time to hang with some fans of the Oakland Raiders, and she also gave credit to Derek Carr for his performance this week.
Marshawn Lynch will return to the field this upcoming Sunday, as the Oakland Raiders take on the New York Giants.
[Featured Image by Stephen Lam/Getty Images]