In the early 1990s, Madonna’s “Justify My Love” video was a controversial short film that, by today’s standards, is actually pretty tame. In that video, the Material Girl shared a “steamy” lesbian kiss with a British model by the name of Amanda Cazalet.
In the spirit of early ’90s nostalgia, Cazalet has now spilled all the dirt about Madonna, claiming that the performer “stalked” her for two years.
According to Radar Online , Cazalet alleges that the “Music” singer sent her “countless” love notes over the years, saying things like she was the most “beautiful woman in the world,” amongst other things.
Even though the two shared the lesbian kiss on-screen back in the day, Cazalet alleges that Madonna became obsessed with her from that day forward. Cazalet said that she was “surprised” when Madonna “slipped her the tongue” during the kiss, but went along with it because it was “a paid acting job.”
Cazalet, who is now 53-years-old, retired from modeling, and is a stay-at-home mother-of-two. She said that it didn’t bother her at the time, but looking back on it, she was taken advantage of by someone who was, for all intents and purposes, her boss.
Interestingly, last month, Cazalet auctioned off one of Madonna’s love letters to her for a sum total of 50,000 GBP (or, about $75,000 USD). In the now-auctioned-off love letter, Madonna wrote that Cazalet — who was pregnant at the time to her first child — was “the most beautiful woman in the world,” and that even though she was pregnant, the Material Girl had an attraction to her that she “couldn’t explain.”
Madonna also wrote that she was “dying to kiss her [Cazalet] again.”
For Cazalet’s part, she bills herself as a “supermodel” of sorts. According to her official page on the Grey Modeling Agency website , Cazalet achieved “supermodel” status back in the 1990s when she worked alongside the other supermodels of the day, like Helena Christensen and Christy Turlington.
Billing herself as a “singer-songwriter” now, Cazalet — in her prime — once modeled for Jean Paul Gaultier. In addition to appearing in the “Justify My Love” video, Cazalet also posed in Madonna’s over-the-top Sex book, alongside other supermodels like Naomi Campbell.
Cazalet also appeared in a Roxy Music album and a Tina Turner video, and contributed to BLITZ Magazine , before retiring from modeling.
It’s unclear if Cazalet is suing Madonna for her ‘stalking’ or if she’s just sharing an anecdote.
Neither Madonna, nor her press agent, had any comment about the allegations.