The filming for Season 4 of Lucifer is now well underway, and the second episode of the season has just been revealed by writers on Twitter. The episode is titled “Somebody’s Been Reading Dante’s Inferno,” with writing credit going to Ildy Modrovich and Sam Hill reported to be directing.
With fans of Lucifer beside themselves with excitement over the fact that the newest season has finally — at long last — begun, the cast of the show posted a video of everyone together preparing for work in the makeup trailer right before the start of filming, as The Express reports.
Lucifer Morningstar, played by Tom Ellis, was featured with co-stars Lauren German, Aimee Garcia, Kevin Alejandro, Rachael Harris and Lesley Ann Brandt in the new video. The cast excitedly thanked fans once again for saving Lucifer and helping to ensure Season 4 finally came to fruition, with Ellis leading the charge.
“You did it, here we are. We’re back in our makeup trailer — because of you, thank you so much.”
After Tom Ellis announced, “ Lucifer season 4 on Netflix — it’s starting today,” he was careful to quickly add that what he meant was that the filming was to begin that day, not the actual show on Netflix.
“Starting shooting today, not on Netflix today. Don’t get confused!”
The title of Ep. 402 is “Somebody’s Been Reading Dante’s Inferno”. Written by the incredible @Ildymojo and directed by the excellent @SamHill_KinoEye ! #Lucifer #LuciferOnNetflix
— Lucifer Writers Room (@LUCIFERwriters) August 17, 2018
Not to be outdone, Lesley Ann then jokingly referred to the decision made by Fox to cancel the show after the end of the third season, commenting that she has “pickled the soul of the decision maker who canceled us. And I’m now going to drink it.”
Brandt then continued in the same vein, explaining that she was extremely happy to be back in business and finally filming Season 4 of Lucifer .
“Hey guys, Day 1, Season 4, on Netflix. Isn’t it exciting? I’m so happy that we’re back.”
Along with this most recent clip, a host of other videos have popped up on social media, with many members of the cast and crew of Lucifer posting their own excited takes on the early days of filming and their feelings about how they envision the new season as playing out.
Lucifer. Season 4. Day 1 of shooting!
Knock ’em dead @tomellis17 @LaurenGerman @Aimee_Garcia @RachaelEHarris @kevinmalejandro & @LesleyAnnBrandt #LuciferOnNetflix
— Queue (@netflixqueue) August 13, 2018
Tom Ellis has also seen fit to show off his extraordinary prowess at the gym so that he can get some serious “devil training” in during shooting of the new season. His secret weapon? A taxing exercise known as a tricep finisher, which should make him capable of defeating nearly any enemy that happens to pop up in Lucifer .
While there is no set date for Season 4 of Lucifer to begin, fans appear pleased enough that their efforts to save the show have proven successful as the cast and writers of the show continue to keep so-called “Lucifans” up to date with production videos and other insightful social media posts.