Liz Cheney Considers Launching a Third Party to Thwart Trump’s Win: "Whatever it Takes"

Liz Cheney Considers Launching a Third Party to Thwart Trump’s Win: "Whatever it Takes"
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Anna Moneymaker; (Inset): Photo by Justin Sullivan

Former Wyoming representative Liz Cheney told the Washington Post that she is considering running for president as a third party and would do "whatever it takes" to prevent former President Trump from winning in 2024. She is the daughter of former Republican Vice President Dick Cheney. However, she had never made it clear whether she planned to run independently or as a candidate for the semi-moderate Republican Party.



As reported by The Guardian, Cheney said during the interview: "Several years ago, I would not have contemplated a third-party run. I happen to think democracy is at risk at home, obviously, as a result of Donald Trump’s continued grip on the Republican party, and I think democracy is at risk internationally as well." The new book Oath and Honor: A Memoir and a Warning was published by Cheney on Tuesday. It centers on the events leading up to January 6 and the consequences of the 2020 election. Cheney calls Trump "the most dangerous man ever to inhabit the Oval Office."



In interviews promoting her book, Cheney has reiterated her concerns about what she believes would happen if Trump were to become president once again. While talking about her new book, she told USA Today, "I certainly hope to play a role in helping to ensure that the country has ... a new, fully conservative party. And so whether that means restoring the current Republican Party, which ... looks like a very difficult if not impossible task, or setting up a new party, I do hope to be involved and engaged in that." She further warned, "I think that the situation that we're in is so grave, and the politics of the moment require independents and Republicans and Democrats coming together in a way that can help form a new coalition, so that may well be a third-party option." She told the outlet she would think about running on a fictitious bipartisan ticket. She did, however, state that if it seemed that doing so would assist Trump, she would not support the so-called "unity" ticket that the No Labels organization may put out. She concluded, "The president who's willing to ignore the rulings of the courts, the president who's willing to ignore the guardrails of our democracy, is an existential threat."

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Scott Olson
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Scott Olson


According to polls conducted before the 2024 election, Trump has a strong probability of winning. If so, he and his supporters want to be prepared to govern the nation in a manner that differs from that of 2016. Groups backing Trump have been announcing for over a year that, should he win a second term, they will appoint proven Trump supporters to positions in the administration. Ten of the twelve national surveys conducted in November suggest that, in a fictitious battle, Trump would prevail against Biden. Battleground states crucial to capturing the White House in 2024 also reflect this. According to a new EPIC-MRA survey from Michigan, Trump leads Biden there by 46% to 41%. This is a significant Midwestern state. Support for Biden is rapidly dwindling. The same polling company had Biden leading Trump 46% to 45% in August.

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