Lisa Kudrow recently shared an inside story about her late Friends co-star, Matthew Perry. The Other Woman star revealed that she found a note from him inside the famous “Cookie Time” jar from the Friends set. She discovered the note 20 years after the show ended. Kudrow stated that Perry had given her the “Cookie Time” jar as a wrap gift when the show ended. In an interview, Kudrow was talking with Drew Barrymore, who said, “Matthew gave that to me at the end of our last episode. I recently found the note he left inside. I hadn’t looked in it for years, but there it was.”
Kudrow neither said what the note said, but warming up Barrymore’s heart, she responded, “Timing is everything.” Lisa has described the story of the gift earlier, which resembles a clock with “Cookie Time” written on it. “We were shooting a scene years before we finished,” Lisa recalled while appearing on Jimmy Kimmel Live in 2020. “My line was, ‘Ohhh, I’m late. I better get going,’ and it was too late when I realized I don’t have a watch.”. As I was speaking, I thought, with my hand, ‘Oh good, there’s a clock,’ and I pointed to that and said, ‘Oh look at the time. I better get going.’
Lisa Kudrow Finds Hidden Note From Late Matthew Perry in Friends Gift He Gave
— E! News (@enews) January 8, 2025
When the scene was over she said Matthew approached her and asked, “Did you point to the cookie jar and say, ‘Look at the time’?” The response caused both of them to “be laughing hysterically and crying. Perry’s memory lives on in the minds of his friends and co-stars. Courtney Cox, who played Monica on Friends and Perry’s on-screen wife, has spoken about feeling his presence. In an interview with CBS News Sunday Morning, she said, “I’m so thankful I got to work with him for so many years. He visits me a lot if we believe in that.”
Lisa Kudrow is rewatching Friends marathons for Matthew Perry. Our Phoebe and Chandler forever!
— friends tv posts (@thefriendsitcom) August 15, 2024
Cox also shared her spiritual beliefs, saying, “I talk to my mom, my dad, and Matthew. I feel like they guide us. I definitely sense that Matthew is around.” Matthew Perry passed away at the age of 54, leaving his fans and dear ones shocked. The cause of death is stated to be from ketamine-induced effects with contributing factors to drowning, coronary artery disease, and effects from buprenorphine for opioid use disorder. A little over a year after his passing, the remaining Friends cast are still in deep grief.
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Meanwhile, five people have been charged in connection with Perry’s death. The accused included two doctors, his assistant, and two other individuals. One of the doctors, Mark Chavez, has already pleaded guilty to a federal charge of conspiracy to distribute ketamine. He is scheduled to be sentenced in April in Los Angeles.
Perry’s death has left an indelible mark on his family and fans worldwide. His legacy continues to shine through memories, tributes, and stories like Kudrow’s.