Two life-coaches who hosted a radio show called The Pursuit of Happiness were found together in their Brooklyn apartment on Monday in an advanced state of decomposition. The manager of the building where they had lived for two decades noticed a strong smell and broke down the door when they didn’t respond to his knock.
Motivational speaker John Littig was 48. His wife Lynne Rosen was a 46-year-old psychotherapist.
On Wednesday, New York police officials said that the pair had used a suicide kit often known as an exit bag to take their own lives at some point over the weekend. The exit bag is essentially a plastic bag placed over the head and a tube that pumps in helium from a tank to provide a painless death.
Hasan Boztepe, the 51-year-old manager who discovered the bodies of the two Pursuit of Happiness life-coaches on their couch, appeared to be somewhat in shock. He acknowledged that he’d found two notes, but he wasn’t entirely sure of what they said.
According to a CNN report , he remembered John Littig’s as saying, “I can’t take it anymore, my wife is in too much pain.”
But no one yet seems to know what pain she was experiencing or why the couple would choose this way out.
Watch an excerpt from John Littig and Lynne Rosen’s WBAI 99.5 FM “The Pursuit of Happiness” radio show that the pair posted to You Tube. In the episode, they talked about how you should do something that scares you every day to get comfortable with change:
Although at least one observer said that the video was full of eerie foreshadowings of the double suicide, I’ve spent a fair amount of time in the New Age. In my opinion, it’s standard stuff about how you can always reinvent yourself and redefine success. I don’t see any clues here to what was going through the minds of John Littig and Lynne Rosen, but maybe others do.
At the time of writing, there are still no clear answers about why The Pursuit of Happiness radio show hosts and life-coaches chose to commit suicide.
[photo of John Littig and Lynne Rosen via YouTube] [helium tank photo by Ron Marmion via Shutterstock ]