Libby Offutt, the ex-girlfriend and mother of Randy Moss’ children, has denied his claims that she has a drug problem and spent $4 million getting high.
In December, Moss, 39, criticized Offutt on Twitter for not only abusing drugs but refusing to get help. According to the former wide receiver who retired in 2012, a judge has ordered Offutt to go back to rehab if she wants to visit their children.
Libby Offutt NFL Randy Moss’ Girlfriend/ Wife #football via @fabwags #wags
— FabWags (@mvalle888) June 29, 2016
Libby Offutt has reportedly not seen her children for more than two years now. Randy Moss claimed on Twitter that she is refusing to go back to rehab for the fourth time.
“Slander me all over wv and social media; I’m just being like any other loving dad to be there for his kids! Blame me for $4 mill wasted on drugs,” Moss wrote on Twitter two days after Christmas.
However, Libby Offutt has denied the allegations, saying she will be dead if she spent that much money on drugs. According to TMZ , Offutt admitted to having a drug problem in the past, but she claims to have been clean for years.
“I went to rehab TEN years ago and have been clean ever since,” Offutt said. “He’s just saying that to keep the kids. I’d be dead if I spent $4 million on drugs, Where’s his proof?”
Libby Offutt, who reportedly showed TMZ documents of drug tests she passed recently, said Randy Moss attacked her on social media because he wants to keep their children to himself. She also claimed her attempt to visit their children during the recent Christmas celebrations might have been the reason behind Moss’ Twitter attack.
“I drove 4 hours on the 26th to take my kids their Christmas presents and his wife wouldn’t let me see the kids or even leave their presents for them,” Offutt said. “He was mad and acted very immature, saying false things that the children are gonna read eventually, subjecting them to more unnecessary emotional stress. And why bash the woman that brought 5 of your kids into this world?!”
“He should have respect for me. Not try and publicly harm me,” she added.
Libby Offutt and Randy Moss have five children together; Sydney, Senali, Thaddeus, Montigo, and Sylee. The couple had their first child in high school. Both were students of the DuPont High School located in Belle, West Virginia.
The relationship between former San Francisco 49ers player Moss and Libby Offutt has attracted much attention since they were in high school. According to Player Wives , Moss and Offutt received threats from people who opposed their interracial relationship when they were younger. Moss reportedly ruined his chances of playing college football for Notre Dame after getting into a fight because of some nasty comments someone made about his relationship with Offutt.
In 1996, Libby Offutt and Randy Moss made headlines after they were arrested for a fight that reportedly started as an argument. Offutt claimed Moss threw hot water at her during the altercation.
Although Moss’ career was filled with controversies, his retirement surprised many sports analysts. Moss, who now works as for ESPN as a sports analyst, revealed last year he retired to take care of his children.
Libby Offutt’s mother had denied Randy Moss’ allegations that her daughter has a drug problem when he slammed her on Twitter last year.
Since the grandmother says my allegations are untrue.We’re going into 2017 and her kids tht we have are still waiting!@TMZ_Sports
— Randy Moss (@RandyMoss) December 28, 2016
In response, Moss posted an image from law firm Horack, Talley, Pharr & Lowndes, P.A. which stated that Offutt must comply with the recommendations of a doctor before a judge would allow her to visit her kids again. The recommendations include getting quarterly drug tests and substance abuse counseling. While the letter indicated that Offutt has a drug problem, the exact date on which it was issued is unclear.
[Featured Image by Brad Barket/Getty Images for Time Warner Cable]