Zachary Quinto, who’s played Mr. Spock in the newest Star Trek films, paid tribute to the late Leonard Nimoy, during a fan event on Friday night.
According to Entertainment Tonight , Quinto appeared at the event titled Star Trek Beyond at Paramount Studios in California to celebrate the Star Trek franchise’s 50th anniversary. It was also an opportunity to showcase a trailer for the upcoming film Star Trek: Beyond produced by J.J. Abrams and due for a July 22 release in theaters.
Quinto spoke fondly of his close relationship with Nimoy, who died at the age of 86, in February 2015. Many members of the late actor’s family were in attendance.
“When I got this role I never imagined how my life would change, not only because of the creative experience but even more because of the personal experience with Leonard Nimoy and the relationship I forged with Leonard,” said Quinto, who also spoke highly of Nimoy’s family.
He continued, “And now that he is gone, I feel even more grateful that relationship has led me to my relationship with his family, and I love them like my own.”
Later, it was revealed that the street near Paramount’s Sound Stage 31 was to be renamed Leonard Nimoy Way, according to The Hollywood Reporter , in honor of the original Mr. Spock. Stage 31 is significant, as it is where the original Star Trek TV series was filmed. Quinto led the champagne toast.
“So many actors in the future are going to be stumbling their way around the lot and [Nimoy] will guide their way, like he guided mine,” said the 38-year-old actor.
Quinto shared about the unveiling on his Instagram account calling it “the most humbling moment of my Trek experience.”
Entertainment Weekly reported that Leonard Nimoy has a continuing effect on the new film, which will have its world premiere at San Diego’s Comic Con on July 20.
“In a way I feel like he’s actually more apart of this film then he was of the other two,” said Quinto, who noted that Nimoy has a powerful presence despite being gone.
He added, “Everybody on this film showed up to work celebrating his life and his indelible contributions to this franchise because honestly I don’t really see how it could have lasted as long as it did without him.”
Star Trek: Beyond ‘s other stars Chris Pine and Karl Urban were also at the event talking about the new film, which is said to give a nod to the original series.
“It’s a big milestone for the franchise, and it’s a great opportunity to share with people what they love about the franchise,” said Pine.
There was also a video tribute to Star Trek that opened the night’s festivities with celebrities as diverse as Idris Elba and Simon Pegg paying tribute to the franchise.
“It was amazing to see this world I could never be a part but still felt so close to,” said Rihanna, an apparent Trekkie.
A year later, Leonard Nimoy is still being remembered and honored by Trekkies, family, and even a museum.
As reported by the New Boston Post earlier this month, it was announced that Nimoy would be posthumously honored during Jewish American Heritage Month at Boston’s West End Museum.
“We hold these events and the Jewish event, among others, to honor those who made a significant contribution to the community,” said Susan Hanson, director of the museum.
Leonard Nimoy’s son Adam is in the final stages of making a documentary about his father called For The Love of Spock , set to be released later this year.
“One of the things that still stands out for me, in making this, was being reminded of the effect he had on so many people,” said Nimoy. “Up in Vancouver, doing interviews of actors involved in the new Star Trek movies, you could still feel the energy. It was heartwarming.”
[Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP]