LeBron James To Lance Stephenson: ‘I Want You’

Published on: July 8, 2018 at 3:34 PM

“I want you” was all it took LeBron James to convince Lance Stephenson to join him at the Los Angeles Lakers.

As the Inquisitr earlier reported, James is surrounding himself with star athletes on the Lakers court. James’ aspirations to form a winning team appear to be large enough to eclipse his tenuous relationship with Stephenson.

The two basketball heavyweights have only played against each other, occasions that have often prompted standoffs, replete with name callings and physical beefs.

Clutch Points ‘ Danny Small speculates that Stephenson could be the Lakers’ best bet to prevail over the Warriors by derailing famed hothead Draymond Green.

For James, who intends to dominate the post as opposed to the perimeter, Stephenson could also take off some of the pressure to handle the ball and wage the offensive.

Regardless of why James is eager to help his new team attract his long-time nemesis, the Lakers are to welcomes a shooting guard and small forward with a potted professional past.

Stephenson has made the roster of six teams, not counting the Lakers, and has frequently scrambled to find his pace and place. As the New York Post reminded, he has not lasted over a season in stints with the Hornets, Clippers, Grizzlies, Pelicans, and Timberwolves.

Stephenson’s unpredictability also showed in the Indian Pacers, although he purportedly felt confident about his game.

“At the end of the day, Lance gave us some great years,” Pacers President Kevin Pritchard said. “We love Lance. We love Lance on the court, we love Lance off the court. Sometimes, he was the best player on our team and sometimes he was the best player on the other team.”

The biting comment struck a chord with the 27-year-old player, who carried the Pacers to a successful season this year. As the Inqiusitr reported, Stephenson took to Instagram to respond, “Best player for the other team really that’s how u feel about me. I put my heart to this game and also a team player. I do whatever it takes to help my team win not one time I felt like I help the opposite team win. I will always love my pacer fans.”

Emojis of a flexing arm and a basketball concluded the post, which has since disappeared from his account.

Instead, Stephenson uploaded a more polished quote, in which he expressed his gratitude to the Pacers and his excitement to join the Lakers.

The Pacers allegedly offered Stephenson a better free-agent agreement than the Lakers, but, obviously, when James calls, one better listen.

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