Leaked Document Shows Basic Instruction for Biden on ‘How to Enter and Exit a Room': Report

Leaked Document Shows Basic Instruction for Biden on ‘How to Enter and Exit a Room': Report
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo By Antonio Masiello

President Joe Biden's 2024 presidential campaign had been marked by noteworthy speeches, media appearances, and photo opportunities that garnered significant media attention initally. However, things have taken a turn, and in a recent report, it was revealed that Biden's staff apparently prepares concise documents featuring large print and photos detailing his route to the podium for events. An unnamed staffer claimed it had 'detailed verbal and visual instructions on how to enter and exit a room.' It was also reported that the documents prepared for Biden ahead of events contained very basic instructions.

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo By Kevin Dietsch
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo By Kevin Dietsch

Following the presidential debate, some Democrats involved in organizing Biden's events have speculated that the team's intense planning for an event might be an attempt to mask the president's drawbacks. As reported by Axios, a staffer also said, "I staffed a simple fundraiser at a private residence, but they treated it like it was a NATO summit with his movements." The staffer who assisted with the fundraiser also shared his perspective on the matter: "It surprised me that a seasoned political pro like the president would need detailed verbal and visual instructions on how to enter and exit a room."


However, a White House official denied the claims and said, "If individuals are not accustomed to seeing advance teams work, that would be a common reaction, whoever the principal is." The report highlighted that presidential movements are meticulously planned, from the exact route taken to specific locations. This level of organization extends beyond the president himself, with key figures in the Biden administration employing similar systematic approaches to coordinate their movements and schedules. 


White House spokesperson Andrew Bates also gave his statement about this revelation. He said, "High levels of detail and precision are critical to presidential advance work — regardless of who is president — and these are basic approaches that are used by any modern advance team, including the vice president's office and agencies." Vice President Kamala Harris' spokesperson Kirsten Allen also spoke about this. Allen said, "These documents are standard logistical briefing materials and photos for any principal, including the vice president." Despite the defenses put forward, these instructions are expected to provoke a significant backlash against Biden.


Meanwhile, the pressure mounts as Biden navigates the backlash from people within his party regarding his performance in the first presidential debate against Trump and his subsequent interview with George Stephanopoulos. The interview with Stephanopoulos was a strategic move by Biden's team to manage the fallout from the disastrous debate. The aftermath has sparked intense discussions among Democrats about the effectiveness of Biden's campaign strategy. Editor Colby Hall said that Biden is in 'some sort of cognitive decline, as a lot of aging people are.' As reported by Mediaite, talking about the interview, Hall said, "He was dismissive. He was in denial. I don’t think that this stemmed the tide. I think it made matters worse.”

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