The Canary Islands may soon have a new addition afer an underwater volcano in the area began spewing lava three weeks ago.
The volcano’s magma flow has currently reached 330 feet above the sea floor and will need to climb another 490 feet before reaching the surface of the Atlantic at which time a new island would be formed.
Locals are already excited about the prospect of adding a new Canary Island and they have begun to brainstorm names for the land mass including Discovery, Atlantis and the rather silly “the Best.”
The volcano sits just to the southern-most Canary Island of El Hierro and is located off the coast of northwest Africa. The volcano has already spouted a large blog of ash which in turn has killed many fish in the area.
A release of this kind has not been witnessed for 40 years and scientists are remaining skeptical at this time that a new island will be formed even though the magma flow has not yet flown down.
What would you name a new Canary Island?