Laura Loomer Joined Donald Trump at Commemorating Events and Reignited 9/11 Conspiracy Theory

Laura Loomer Joined Donald Trump at Commemorating Events and Reignited 9/11 Conspiracy Theory
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photos By (L) Joe Raedle; (R) Steven Hirsch

Trigger Warning: This article contains themes of terror attacks that some readers may find distressing.

September 11, 2001, marked a day of devastation as four heartbreaking suicide attacks took place across the U.S. This claimed the lives of thousands of people, many more were injured, and the nation’s economy and infrastructure also shattered. Recently, Laura Loomer accompanied Donald Trump to New York and Pennsylvania to pay tribute to the tragic anniversary on Wednesday. However, Loomer later stirred controversy by taking to her X account and questioning about the terror attack, as reported by HuffPost.

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo By David Dee Delgado
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo By David Dee Delgado


Loomer took to her X (formerly Twitter) account to share a video and wrote, "23 years later, and there’s still a lot of unanswered questions. The 9/11 documents are still classified to this day. The American people deserve to know the entire truth. Not just what our lying government chose to tell us. There’s so many unanswered questions… Why?" However, this drew criticism from many as one user said, "23 years later there are still questions because of conspiracy theorists like you pushing a certain agenda to millions of people." Trump's choice to have Loomer at the ceremonies also sparked criticism, according to HuffPost.



House Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries called Trump’s link with Loomer shocking, irresponsible, and offensive. He said, “The fact that on Sept. 11, this sacred day, he would bring a 9/11 conspiracy theorist to participate in events during this solemn commemoration should shock the conscience of all decent Americans." Marjorie Taylor Greene also said, “I don’t know much about that relationship, but I’ve been very disturbed by many of her comments. I don’t think she belongs with him.” Even Senator Lindsey Graham urged Trump to distance himself from far-right conspiracy theorists.



He said, “We have policy disagreements but the history of this person is just really toxic. I mean, she actually called for Kellyanne Conway’s daughter to hang herself. I don’t know how this all happened, but, no, I don’t think it’s helpful. I don’t think it’s helpful at all.” He further said, “I mean, you know, some of the things she’s said about Republicans and others is disturbing. I mean, to call for someone’s daughter to hang themselves. Yeah, no, I think that the president would serve himself well to make sure this doesn’t become a bigger story.”



Sen. Thom Tillis wrote on X, "Laura Loomer is a crazy conspiracy theorist who regularly utters disgusting garbage intended to divide Republicans. A DNC plant couldn't do a better job than she is doing to hurt President Trump's chances of winning re-election. Enough." Meanwhile, in a phone interview with CNN, Loomer said, “I don’t understand what the issue is about me going to a 9/11 memorial. In fact, the people who greeted President Trump at the memorial were very happy to see me, and they said, ‘Thank you for coming.’” She added, “I’ve never denied the fact that Islamic terrorists carried out the 9/11 terrorist attacks.”

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