Lara Trump Compares Vice President Kamala Harris to Designer "Trash Bag"

Lara Trump Compares Vice President Kamala Harris to Designer "Trash Bag"
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo By Scott Olson; (Top Left) Montinique Monroe

Since Kamala Harris got the endorsement of the Democratic Party, the level of backlash directed at her has been growing at a fast pace. Her opponents have also directed their criticism on her political career as well as her personal life, with some going to the extreme of spreading false rumors. Doubts concerning her fitness for the presidency are also spreading quickly. Meanwhile, Lara Trump, the Republican National Committee Co-Chair, recently compared Harris to a designer handbag that was "literally a trash bag," according to HuffPost.

Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo By Michael M. Santiago
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo By Michael M. Santiago


Lara was featured on Fox News Hannity on Monday and was asked how Republicans should campaign against Harris. Host Sean Hannity said, “And as we go through her record, it is, by far the most radical record of anybody that has ever run for the office of the presidency." He added, “I would argue, in 98 days, it is the job of the Republican Party and the Trump campaign to make sure every American knows this record, backward and forward. That would be the winning formula to me.” To this, Lara said, “Sean, you’re exactly right because look, I think we very clearly have seen the mainstream media, and the folks out there are not gonna do it for us."


“In fact, they’re trying to rewrite history. It’s been incredible to see the way they have tried to prop up Kamala Harris and really sell her as some sort of– this amazing political figure to the American people,” she added. Further criticizing Harris, Lara said, “It reminds me of– there was a bag that a very famous designer designed." She added, “This was several years ago, and it literally was a trash bag, but they sold this thing for like $2000 thinking that people will actually buy it. It’s a similar situation with Kamala Harris. Nobody was interested in Kamala Harris even several months ago.”



She seemed to be referring to Balenciaga's $1,950 calfskin Trash Bag pouch made in Italy. Somewhere in the interview, Lara also claimed, “She was rated as the most liberal, most radical member of the United States Senate. We have to speak that loudly and clearly to the American people.” Meanwhile, recently after recounting several crimes allegedly committed by immigrants, Donald Trump seemed to hold Harris responsible. "Kamala Harris' deadly destruction of America's borders is completely and totally disqualifying for her to be president. You can't have a person like this as president," he said.



He added, "No person who deliberately releases these kinds of savage criminals to prey on our youth and our people...not just youth, elderly people too....should ever be trusted with power. Again, she has no clue, she has no clue, she's evil," as reported by USA Today. In Minnesota on Saturday, during his first rally following Joe Biden's departure from the race, Donald attacked Harris by calling her a "lunatic" and a "liar." Republicans also began referring to Harris as a "DEI candidate," a term frequently used to undermine leaders of color.

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