Since her skyrocket to pop star fame, Lady Gaga has rolled with the punches whenever the media has an outcry over her outspoken nature or on stage antics. However, after facing public scrutiny over a 25 pound weight gain, Gaga has decided to strike back and open up to her fans and legions of supporters about her own perception of her body in hopes of creating a positive message.
Posting on her own social networking page, LittleMonsters Lady Gaga has finally opened up about her own issues with her body, including her on-going struggle with bulimia and anorexia. She writes:
“Bulimia and anorexia since I was 15, but today I join the BODY REVOLUTION. To inspire bravery and BREED some motherf**king COMPASSION.”
This separate page created by Gaga states “now that the body revolution has begun, be brave and post a photo of you that celebrates your triumph over insecurities.” Along with written captions Lady Gaga’s multiple picture postings feature photos of the singer in her undergarments baring all to see her body in her own light.
This is the first public announcement Lady Gaga has made about the criticism concerning her weight, but it isn’t the first time Gaga has fought back. Just days earlier in Paris, Lady Gaga, who’s known for her outrageous outfits wore a large “fat suit.” Earlier Gaga admitted to the weight gain telling radio host Elvis Duran, “I’m dieting right now, because I gained, like, 25 pounds. I really don’t feel bad about it, not even for a second.”
Now the community of “little monsters” are posting their own photos, hoping to embody the same brave outlook Gaga has. LittleMonsters was created for fans to come and share creativity, passion, art, and acceptance.