Kylie Jenner is causing speculation with her latest set of photos posted to Instagram. The Keeping Up With the Kardashians star attended Christina Aguilera’s 36th birthday party over the weekend. Kylie previously dressed up as the singer around Halloween, but it’s her latest attire that’s sparking the boob job rumors yet again.
The 19-year-old dressed up as the “Dirrty” singer at the request of the pop star, reports People . Jenner took to Snapchat to tell her fans that she was “about to start glamming” for the event. Then, she told her fans that Aguilera was the one who wanted her to dress up as her again. Shortly after, Jenner shared a Snapchat video of herself rocking blonde hair with black streaks.
This time around, though, she donned a tiny yellow-and-black bikini top with thigh-high black boots and black-and-yellow pants that showed off her derriere in the underwear. Jenner’s costumes was a spot-on version of the attire Aguilera wore 14 years ago for TRL Presents: Christina Aguilera Stripped in NYC 2002 at Brooklyn Bridge, reports the Daily Mail .
Jenner took to Instagram and Snapchat to document to share photos and videos of herself cuddling up to the pop star. In the videos, Aguilera is seen rocking a pink wig, a colorful furry coat, and sparkly sunglasses.
The 19-year-old was once again rocking Aguilera’s “Dirrty” music video look. The last time Jenner was dressed up as the singer, she rocked a red and white number from the song’s music video. Jenner wore a red and white bikini top with red underwear and black-and-red pants and also showed off her behind.
Fans remarked how different Jenner’s breast size looked in the same style bikini photos from just a few weeks until recently. It’s as if she appeared bustier than ever in the photos from Aguilera’s birthday bash.
The starlet made the breast implant rumors swirl when fans compared her recent photos to her older snapshots. Jenner has credited her bigger chest size to wearing a padded Victoria’s Secret bra, growing up, masking tape, gaining weight, using breast cream, and having her monthly period. In the past, Jenner has been slammed with her share of boob job rumors, reports Radar Online. Even Dr. Anthony Youn, who has not treated Jenner, told Radar Online back in April 2015 that he believes Jenner has undergone breast augmentation surgery.
“Kylie appears to have undergone a breast augmentation, going from a B to a D cup in size,” he said.
Meanwhile, Wetpaint reported that Jenner has been accused of having a boob job 11 times over the past few years. She has been the subject of the rumors since 2013. On Oct. 14, Jenner took to her app and website to deny the rumors that she’s gone under the knife, reports Us Weekly .
“[I haven’t had] a** implants,” Jenner said in a live streaming video on her website.
“You know, I used to be 120 [pounds]. I was really skinny. Now I’m pushing, like, 136. But it’s all right, I like the chunkiness.”
The starlet also said that she’s gotten more bootylicious by knowing how to pose.
“I don’t really think I have the fattest a**, but I know my angles,” she said in the video.
As for the boob job rumors, she hasn’t had them done yet.
“People started saying that [when] I was, like, 16. You think Kris Jenner, at 16 years old, would let me get cheek and jaw reconstructive surgery? Nah. I always used to my love jaw – I never was self-conscious about my jaw. I thought about [getting breast implants], but I’m like, ‘Why ruin it?’ I have really good boobs naturally and they’re a cute little size. I’m not against it, but right now, it’s no from me.”
What are your thoughts on the persistent Kylie Jenner boob job rumors? Do you think the teen has gone under the knife? Sound off below in the comments section.
[Featured Image by Frazer Harrison/Getty Images]