Last Friday, December 19, Kylie Jenner was spotted shopping at Neiman Marcus in Topanga, California. However, she was not alone. The Keeping up with the Kardashians star was joined by rapper Tyga, who is rumored to be her boyfriend. It’s been reported that the 25-year-old Tyga acted like a total gentleman the whole time, even helping the 17-year-old Jenner carry her shopping bags. While the two have not yet admitted that they’re dating, it seems they are perfectly smitten with each other.
This pic sure makes it look like Kylie Jenner and Tyga are more than just friends…
— Seventeen Magazine (@seventeenmag) December 19, 2014
A photo posted by Kylizzle (@kyliejenner) on
A source tells HollywoodLife , “Kylie’s clearly in awe of Tyga and loves being treated like his princess, even though they’re just friends. But she has told her sisters many times, ‘I can’t wait to be 18. The guys my age are lame and don’t know how to treat me like Michael Ray (Tyga’s real name) does. He’s so fine and a perfect gentleman.’”
Kylie and Tyga were also seen having dinner at Spago in Beverly Hills on December 18. The two were acting sweet, with the both of them even eating off the same fork.
“They ordered one serving of pan-seared striped bass and ate off the same plate. They even used the same fork! He even wiped her mouth with the napkin several times during dinner. He’s just too sweet to her,” another source told HollywoodLife .
Aside from carrying her bags and acting sweet when they’re together, Tyga has been cleaning up his act whenever he’s around Kylie. He reportedly made a promise to Kris Jenner that he wouldn’t drink when he’s hanging out with her daughter.
“I think it’s because he really likes her even though they haven’t said they’re dating,” one HollywoodLife source explained. “He wants to always make sure she’s safe when they’re together and also because Kris would be hurt if he puts Kylie in any sort of danger.”
Kylie Jenner had a date night with rumored beau Tyga last night – see the pics! — (@JustJared) December 19, 2014
Rumors about Kylie and Tyga’s relationship have been going on for months now, especially since the two have been spending a lot of time together. The various speculations about their relationship made Kylie address the rumors on Twitter.
in not trying to become a rapper, I’m not getting married, & I’m not pregnant….
— Kylie Jenner (@KylieJenner) December 12, 2014
The day after her shopping spree with Tyga, Kylie joined her close friend Hailey Baldwin for a trip to the Nasty Gal store at West Hollywood. Kylie wore a long-sleeved beige turtleneck sweater dress while Hailey sported a simple black crop top and fleece jacket combo.
[Image via YouTube ]