Kris Jenner ‘s presence during a vacation to France had left fans speculating about her appearance after the pictures shared by paparazzi came to light. The matriarch of the Kardashian family appeared to hide her face from the cameras of celebrity photographers while on the trip. Meanwhile, a paparazzi image showing Jenner using her hand as a shield, mimicking a visor, circulated on a Reddit forum. Upon zooming in on the snapshot, observers noted a noticeable contrast in her jawline, with one side displaying a seemingly altered appearance compared to the other. This revelation has fueled intense speculation and discussion among fans regarding potential changes to her facial features.
As reported by The US Sun , fans engaged in a Kardashians-themed discussion thread and remarked upon Jenner’s noticeably uneven jawline. Additionally, they observed a distinct contrast between the unedited paparazzi photographs and the images she typically shares on her social media platforms. One user commented, “How is she not even 70, spent six figures on her face, and still looking like this.” Another fan said, “Damn looks like her skin is coming of her bones.” “But like, why is her jawline skewed and hollow looking almost looks like a bone or chunk or flesh was removed from the right side lol,” a third user wrote.
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Amidst the ambiance of the City of Light, Jenner was spotted strolling in a striking outfit, clad in a black fur coat complemented by a set of coordinating boots. Layered beneath her outerwear was a visible sweater shirt, adding depth to her attire. Donning black sunglasses and a jacket with a vintage flair, she was evoking a sense of mystery. However, Jenner also seemed like she was attempting to keep her presence on the down low, a departure from her typical attention-grabbing persona.
Meanwhile, it is worth noting as one approaches their seventies, they often tend to have paler skin, deeper wrinkles, coarser hair, and more visible signs of aging. However, a plastic surgeon suggested that Jenner’s aging journey differs from the norm due to significant investments in enhancing her appearance. In another photo shared by the reality star, visible wrinkles above her jawline were noticeable. Additionally, a plastic surgeon pointed out a sweeping circular contour on her jowl, further indicating the potential interventions in her quest for a more youthful appearance.
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On the other hand, Jenner has openly discussed certain cosmetic procedures, acknowledging her decision to undergo a boob job, a facelift, and the use of Botox. However, she vehemently denies undergoing any additional surgeries, including a nose job. Additionally, in an interview, it was also disclosed that Jenner has refrained from further surgical interventions for a considerable period, suggesting a pause in her pursuit of cosmetic enhancements. In a report by OK! Magazine , during Jenner’s vacation in Italy, photographs surfaced revealing her authentic skin texture. Unfiltered images shared by her also displayed visible neck wrinkles, offering a candid portrayal of her natural appearance during the trip.
This article originally appeared 11 months ago.