Kourtney Kardashian is hitting back after being accused of lying on her Instagram account. The stunning Keeping Up with the Kardashians star clapped back at trolls on the social media site this week after she shared a photo of herself reading a book while in the bathtub. The snap showed her laying in the empty tub in a white shirt and seemingly no pants as she promoted a new product from her Poosh line in the caption.
However, many fans weren’t actually too interested in her latest product launch and were instead quick to accuse the reality star of not exactly being truthful with the photo she chose to share with her 81.8 million followers.
Several accused the star of pretending to read the book in the comment section of the upload and claimed that she’d probably never even read a book in her life.
However, as reported by Cosmopolitan this week, Kourtney is setting the record straight as she hit back at a number of the trolls.
After one person claimed that she’d “never read a book” alongside a laughing emoji, the mom of three bluntly said, “Graduated college” with an emoji showing a pile of books. Notably, the star actually graduated from the University of Arizona with a bachelor’s degree in Theatre Arts with a minor in Spanish.
But she wasn’t quite done yet.
Kourtney then took on another troll who accused of her lying in the photo. This user’s comment said, “YOU KNOW DAMN WELL YOU AIN’T READING NO BOOK,” to which the star let them know that she was, in fact, taking in “Jane Austin’s Emma.”
Kim Kardashian’s big sister also took the time to reply to a fan who supported her in the comment section of the upload after they pointed out that she’s a college graduate and probably reads more books than many of her millions of followers.
After spotting the message, Kourtney responded, “I try to read every night” alongside a face emoji wearing glasses.
Her latest social media replies come shortly after she took to Twitter to set the record straight after a heated scene that aired during a recent episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians . In the scene, her mom Kris Jenner’s boyfriend, Corey Gamble, suggested that Kourtney and her ex Scott Disick physically discipline their daughter Penelope.
Responding to a message from a viewer, Kourtney clarified, per Entertainment Tonight . “In my opinion, beating children is not the way to get your kids in check. When children are hurting or frustrated, the answer is not to physically hurt them.”
Kourtney then added, “They’re children and she was clearly hurting inside so hurting her physically is not going to make anything better.”