Kirsten Dunst opened up in a new interview about what it really is the Fargo actress looks for in a potential romantic interest and Dunst’s interests seem to run along the lines of old-fashioned chivalry. Unfortunately for those knights already shining their armor, Kirsten also revealed that she is currently spoken for and very happy with her new beau.
Kirsten Dunst Gets Personal, When Asked About Love Interests
In a world where most people are looking for fast hook-ups via social media and smartphone apps, Kirsten Dunst is far more old-fashioned, preferring well-mannered gentlemen to the mismatched options that high-tech dating apps can provide. Dunst says she likes the kind of men that will still open the door for a woman and pull out her chair at dinner.
“I appreciate old-fashioned manners,” Dunst said, according to US Weekly . “I want a guy to pay for dinner and open the door for me. I love the masculine.”
Kirsten, who has previously been involved with Jake Gyllenhaal and Johnny Borrell, says that she knows what she’s looking for in men and also what traits just turn her off worse than a cold shower. Specifically, Dunst says she’s dated men with feminine traits and that it just hasn’t worked for her. Ms. Dunst added that she had a hard rule about not dating other actors, but that has changed since she began dating Garrett Hedlund.
“I was at the movies with a friend recently and there was a Pan poster up,” Ms. Dunst recalled, referring to the fact that Hedlund portrays young Captain Hook in the upcoming film. “It’s just funny to me that that’s even him; I don’t associate him with acting at all. My friend was like, ‘Now you know how I’ve always felt!’”
Fargo Actress Kirsten Dunst Looks To The Future
Following her 10 episode stint as Fargo ‘s Peggy Blumquist, Kirsten Dunst has returned to feature films with the sci-fi drama Midnight Special , which will see a March 18, 2016 theatrical release. While Dunst says that there are children in her future and starting a family is certainly important to her, she says that her career is really where her focus lies at the moment.
In fact, Kirsten reveals that she would like to evolve from an actress into a director, though she sees the current gender issues in Hollywood as an obstacle.
“I think it’s easier for mediocre male directors to be in this industry,” Dunst said, according to People magazine . “As a female you can be a director, but you have to be amazing – that’s the disparaging part to it. You have to be really great to get in there.”
Does this mean that Kirsten lacks the self-esteem to get there, as her statement would suggest? To the contrary, Dunst says her work ethic can sometimes be a curse, because it helps her to recognize when fellow actors are giving less than their best. Ms. Dunst reveals that there are lazy actors, just as there are lazy workers in every profession.
“I go really… [Laughs] I don’t want to say esoteric, because that seems like it’s far away from you. But when I’m making a character I feel like a witch making a brew,” Kirsten revealed. “So on set the first day I’m confident; I have all the tools, all my notes, everything I need. You can have so much more freedom and more fun with what you do because it’s so engrained that you can’t fail.”
It certainly sounds like Ms. Dunst has all of the tools she needs to be that amazing director she dreams to be, but will that be enough to carry her from actress to director? Only Kirsten Dunst herself knows the answer to that question.
[Featured image courtesy of Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images]