King Charles III Receives Cancer Diagnosis After Brief Hospitalization for Prostate Procedure

King Charles III Receives Cancer Diagnosis After Brief Hospitalization for Prostate Procedure
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Samir Hussein

Breaking away from previous royal traditions, King Charles III has openly disclosed that he's been diagnosed with cancer. Buckingham Palace also confirmed the news, adding that the monarch is currently receiving treatment for the same.



"During The King's recent hospital procedure for benign prostate enlargement, a separate issue of concern was noted. Subsequent diagnostic tests have identified a form of cancer," the palace said in a statement. "His Majesty has today commenced a schedule of regular treatments, during which time he has been advised by doctors to postpone public-facing duties. Throughout this period, His Majesty will continue to undertake State business and official paperwork as usual," the palace revealed.

Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo By Karwai Tang
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo By Karwai Tang


The 75-year-old monarch had a 'corrective procedure' last week at The London Clinic after the palace's earlier announcement that he was seeking medical attention for an enlarged prostate. At the private hospital, Queen Camilla, his spouse, informed visitors that he was 'doing well.' At the same facility, Princess Kate, his daughter-in-law, was recuperating from abdominal surgery and receiving treatment, per USA TODAY.

The nature of the cancer is unknown at present; however, it was found during his most recent treatment for an enlarged prostate, per the BBC. The prognosis and cancer stage have not been disclosed further by the palace. However, the release by the palace stated that the Monarch "remains wholly positive about his treatment and looks forward to returning to full public duty as soon as possible."



The Prince of Wales was reported to have been in frequent communication with his father, and Charles personally told both of his sons of his diagnosis. Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex, who currently resides in the United States, spoke with his father and will soon visit the United Kingdom.

The King arrived back in London on Monday morning from Sandringham in Norfolk, and according to the palace, he has now begun outpatient treatment. The King will continue to carry out his constitutional duties as head of state, including paperwork and private meetings, but he might briefly suspend his public appearances. He is anticipated to continue to have in-person weekly sessions with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, barring medical advice to the contrary.



Charles broke with royal custom by being candid about his prostate condition. The British royal family has kept quiet about health issues for generations. When the United Kingdom's royals wielded actual power, information regarding illness was kept quiet out of fear of compromising their authority. Even after royals were elevated to constitutional figurehead status, the secrecy habit persisted. 



Before he passed away in February 1952 at the age of 56, King George VI, Charles' grandfather, had lung cancer, but the British public was unaware of this. "His Majesty has chosen to share his diagnosis to prevent speculation and in the hope it may assist public understanding for all those around the world who are affected by cancer," the palace explained.

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