It seems Kim Kardashian and Amber Rose have shared a recent selfie. Curiously, not only have they shared a selfie, but also Kanye. Kanye West recently disclosed that the photograph was taken at Kris Jenner’s home. According to Entertainment Tonight , Kanye had been lashing out during an ongoing tweet rampage towards his former girlfriend, actress and model, Amber Rose and her boyfriend, at the time, Wiz Khalifa.
Also reported by Entertainment Tonight , Kanye West was upset over Wiz changing the title of his new album from Swish to Waves . The men entered into a hostile tweet session.
However, US Weekly suggested that Kanye started targeting Amber along with Wiz’s and Amber’s son, Sebastian, as well.
Some of the rantings from Kanye include tweets such as West referring to Rose as a “stripper.” He said something regarding taking 30 showers after dating Amber Rose. He also claimed that he made her who she is.
In his tweets, he claims that rapper Wiz Khalifa was trapped by a stripper after fathering Rose’s child.
As reported in US Weekly , he also made ridiculous statements that he “owns” Rose and Khalifa’s child. After targeting her son, Rose responded with some firm and seemingly deserved randy tweets.
And according to Celeb Dirty Laundry , there had been rumors of divorce for Kim K and Kanye with the possibilities of infidelity on Kanye’s end. Rumor had it that Kanye and Amber were still sleeping together and may have been a factor in the turmoil between Kim and her husband. Voicing Kim’s jealousy over Amber to Kayne may have triggered the hostilities targeted at Amber. Kayne was desperate to save his marriage and began tweet attacking Amber.
It is difficult to decide if the two women have had a change of heart and are attempting to let the past be a part of the past after years of public feuding. It is a complicated arena and with the very recent Twitter feud and some of the responses from Amber incorporating foul suggestions about what West likes, and more complications and factors such as Ray J, Reggie, Blac Chyna, and Rob Kardashian, there are too many factors to deduce if this was the real deal, strategy or stunt. Whatever it turns out to be, it was rather ingenious.
It seems that infidelity is a common part of both Kanye and Kim Kardashian’s pasts as they were both in relationships when they got together. Kim was seeing Reggie Bush and Kanye was in a relationship with Amber. According to The Hollywood Gossip , one of Kim Kardashian’s former lovers, Ray J, a former recording artist, has allegedly claimed responsibility for leaking the sex tapes of Kim. He has since moved on with Princess Love, and according to The Sun , he is cheating on his “mother to be Princess.” It was also disclosed that he cheated on Kim K during their relationship.