During the weekend, Khloe Kardashian angrily attacked her sister, Kim Kardashian , on Instagram stories during their argument. As Kim reposted Khloe’s earlier-day photo of her kids having fun on the sofa, the SKIMS founder picked up the first shots on Sunday. In the video, 16-month-old Tatum scampered about the cozy sofa as five-year-old True played on a tablet. As reported by the Daily Mail , Kim wrote in her story, “Wow wow wow what a hypocrite @khloekardashian is!!!! I want to see if anyone knows why???”
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Kim posted a couple more pictures, gradually focusing on Tatum’s shoes as he sat on the sofa. Khloe retaliated, refusing to back down from the harsh remarks, as she wrote, “OMG you are insane! Lol, these are brand-new shoes lady! You’re sick. Brand f*****g new !!!!” Kim then revealed screen grabs from a BuzzFeed story criticizing the family for always leaving their shoes on the sofa and claiming Khloe had previously had discomfort as a result of the habit. Along with the picture Kim wrote, “I know I know!!!! Horrible, disgusting, awful habit @khloekardashian.”
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She then addressed a section of the story that questioned if their mother, Kris Jenner, ever reprimanded them for using the couch as a shoe rack when they were younger. Kim added, “Nope! Can’t ever remember @krisjenner teaching us this! How did @khloekardashian learn this skill I wonder!?!? And how did she forget to pass it on???” For the last slide, she wrote, “Please now that I have nice couches I have realized how important this is! Do better @khloekardashian.” A bewildered Khloe shared a portion of Kim’s tirade, probing, “What’s happening lol”. She further added, “I really feel like you finally understand the nastiest [sic] of this habit!! So I feel good about this.”
Khloe recently shared a small video on Instagram where she and her kid are seen mopping the floor using paper towels. She used the caption , “We are never too young to start cleaning. my little man will know how to do it all.” However, her fans were quite harsh and roasted her in the comment section of the post. One fan wrote, “Girl, you don’t even know how to do it we all know you have a cleaning staff. And if you don’t you’re doing it wrong.” A second one wrote, “This is such a f****** joke. She doesn’t cook, clean, do laundry, or watch her kids most of the time thanks to Nannie’s. Good try.” A third one said, “First time you’ve cleaned in years, usually pay someone. Lazy B. Lol.”
Khloé Kardashian via Instagram com o Tatum: “Nunca somos muito jovens para começar a limpar 🧼 o meu homenzinho vai saber como fazer tudo 🩵” pic.twitter.com/arzh5EAI0p
— Access Kardashian (@accesskardash) December 18, 2023
Some supported her decision to teach her son at such a young age. One user wrote, “I am excited that you teach your children about hard work, and they can defend themselves in life. because you never know when life can change you.” Another user chimed in, “Soooo cute- train up a child in the way that they should go and when they are older they will not depart from it.”
Editor’s note: This article was originally published on December 23, 2023. It has since been updated.