Comedian Kevin Hart recently clapped back at Katt Williams after he maligned a number of fellow comedians, including Tiffany Haddish. After Hart mentioned Leslie Jones, the comedian and cast member of Saturday Night Live , Jones fired back, telling both Williams and Hart to “keep [her] name out of [thier] mouth.” As Hollywood Life reports, Hart was deeply affected by Jones’ comments.
“Kevin was shocked by Leslie’s attack on him, it totally floored him, he thought they were tight, so the diss completely came out of left field,” said a source close to the 39-year-old Night School star. “Kevin prides himself on being a solid, stand-up guy, a good person, and over the years he’s given a lot of advice to fledgling comedians, in addition to supporting them — so, Leslie’s attack on him really stung.”
However, the source noted that Hart was in no rush to clap back at Jones because he “doesn’t want to get into a beef with Leslie,” and wants to take time to reflect on if “she was justified in what she said.”
In addition to urging that Williams and Hart stop talking about her, Jones also called Hart’s reputation of helping female comedians into question. As the Inquisitr previously reported, Jones said that not only has Hart not helped many females in the industry, but he even told her that she would never be successful.
“Kevin could have put me on a long time ago but he never respected me or my comedy and trust I can call his card he know I can,” Jones said in a statement to Bossip . She added that while Williams did have a bad attitude, he at least featured women on his tours and helped them launch their careers. She advised that both men focus on telling jokes instead of talking about people.
Hart initially brought Jones up on The Breakfast Club when chastising Williams for his comments about Haddish (in which he said she didn’t have the chops to do stand up), for complaining about not having opportunities in the industry, and for not helping younger performers to grow in their careers.
When asked about her thoughts on the beef between Williams and Hart, Haddish told TMZ that their beef had nothing to do with her and that she had nothing to say to Katt Williams. When asked if she’d be open to helping him, Haddish said the following.
“I am open to winning and making sure everybody else wins, too.”