Kelly Dodd is continuing to put her foot in her mouth in regard to her ongoing chatter regarding the coronavirus pandemic.
Weeks after suggesting COVID-19 was God’s way of “thinning the herd,” the Real Housewives of Orange County cast member is under fire yet again after going mask-free during an outing in Orange County, where she proceeded to make several questionable statements in regard to the virus.
According to a report from Us Weekly magazine on May 26, the 44-year-old celebrated the reopening of several restaurants and stores in her hometown on Memorial Day.
“We finally get to have a meal out,” Kelly said in a video shared on her Instagram tories.
“No one is wearing a mask. I love it.”
Although a number of employees at the restaurant where Kelly was eating had masks over their faces in the video she shared with her fans and followers, Kelly continued to allege that no one was wearing masks. Then, in a statement that was downright incorrect, the reality star told her online audience that no one was dying from the coronavirus in Orange County.
“No one is dying here of the virus,” she claimed as she sat alongside her mom, Bobbi, and her 13-year-old daughter, Jolie.
Kelly then shared a telling meme on her Instagram stories, which read, “It’s not the government’s job to protect my health. It’s the government’s job to protect my RIGHTS. It’s my job to protect my health. When you trade liberty for safety you end up losing both.”
Throughout her time out over the Memorial Day holiday, Kelly shared a number of videos and photos with her fans and followers that made it clear that she was far from concerned about catching the potentially deadly virus.
The Us Weekly magazine went on to reveal that Orange County has suffered more than 131 deaths due to coronavirus in recent months and noted that a report from the Los Angeles Times had suggested the country recorded 14 COVID-19 related deaths last Thursday, May 21, which was the county’s highest single-day jump since the pandemic began.
As The Inquisitr reported earlier this month, Kelly was forced to issue an apology to her Twitter followers after making her comment regarding God thinning the heard and in her message, she said that while she was sorry, she was also frustrated, like many others, about the restrictions that were in place and wishes that things could simply go back to normal.