Is Kelly Dodd still mad that Vicki Gunvalson didn’t stick up for her when she got into a tense argument with Tamra Judge in the Irish pub? In her Bravo blog post about the latest The Real Housewives of Orange County episode, posted on Tuesday, Kelly hinted that she may now be feeling that Vicki isn’t as good of a friend as she thought. While Kelly didn’t explicitly criticize Vicki for staying silent during the fight, she did call Vicki out for talking negatively about her to Tamra right before things got heated.
Kelly started off her blog by stating that she learned a lot about herself and her “friends” during the Ireland trip.
“I learned a lot about myself and my ‘friends’ during our trip to Ireland.”
Does Kelly mean Vicki turned out to just be a fair-weather friend? While Kelly didn’t name Vicki specifically, she and Vicki hit it off at the beginning of the season and have remained friends since then. When the other women tried to warn Kelly about Vicki, Kelly said that she still wanted to get to know Vicki. Kelly pointed out to the other women that Vicki has done nothing to her to make her not like her.
While Kelly didn’t give names on who she thinks are her “friends,” she did specifically name Vicki when talking about what happened in the Irish pub. Kelly wrote that she was a bit surprised by Vicki’s negative reaction to what she thought was a funny gesture. Kelly then called out Vicki for talking “smack” about her with Tamra. Kelly admitted that she didn’t appreciate seeing and hearing Vicki talk negatively about her with Tamra.
“At one point, Vicki was spilling drinks on herself, so I pointed to her blouse and flicked her nose with my finger, just like I do Jolie. I thought it was funny, Vicki didn’t. That was the first time I felt Vicki react negatively to me. I was a little surprised. Straight away, I could see Vicki and Tamra talking smack about me at the end of the bar and I didn’t appreciate it.”
Kelly went on to describe the conversation between Vicki and Tamra as a “b**ch” session.
“When Vicki and Tamra finished their b**ch session…”
In a confessional interview during the episode, Kelly expressed disappointment over Vicki not sticking up for her when she and Tamra got into an argument.
“I’ve always been a very good friend to Vicki. Always stuck up for her. And she can’t stand up for me now? It’s b****y. I am tired of constantly defending myself. It’s really, really mean. I’ve never met girls like this in my whole entire life.”
As for what happened between her and Tamra Judge, Kelly Dodd maintains that Tamra did hit her. Kelly wrote in her blog that Tamra hit her hard.
“Talk about taking it to another level. Tamra got pissed at what I had told Shannon. Tamra was in a rage and physically hit me. She is a very strong woman and she hit me hard.”
Kelly added that while she understands why Tamra got so mad about her comment to Shannon Beador, there’s no justification for Tamra hitting and threatening her. Kelly said that she was traumatized and in pain from what happened.
“I understand why Tamra was so mad at me. Her relationship with her daughter is the most sensitive topic in the world to her. Regardless, there is no justification for her hitting and threatening me. The whole experience traumatized me. I was in pain and didn’t sleep the well the rest of the trip.”
As viewers saw on Monday night’s episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County , the women, sans Meghan King Edmonds who went off to meet with a genealogist, all got along at first when they were drinking in an Irish pub early on during their Ireland vacation. Things got awkward when Kelly began nose-flicking some of the other women. Vicki made it clear to Tamra that she was getting annoyed by Kelly. When Tamra told Kelly to stop her behavior and that she has a way of being out of line in general, Kelly became defensive. She accused the other women of not having a sense of humor.
When Tamra continued pointing out Kelly’s crass behavior, Kelly accused Tamra of always blabbing to others what she told her in confidence. Tamra yelled out that she didn’t even tell Heather Dubrow that Kelly looked up her finances regarding the purchase of her and Terry Dubrow’s first plot of land. Kelly denied the accusation, explaining that she didn’t go looking for the information but only that her realtor friend told her that the Dubrows couldn’t afford their plot of land and so had to get a loan from her. Tamra and Kelly screamed at one another as the other bar patrons looked on shocked and amused.
Later, after the women had left the pub and were walking to a store, Kelly told Shannon that Tamra’s the one who is a liar. “No wonder why her daughter doesn’t talk to her,” Kelly said, referencing Tamra’s estranged relationship with her eldest daughter Sidney.
When Tamra heard from Shannon what Kelly said, she erupted in fury. While cameras didn’t capture the moment when Tamra heard what Kelly said and the resulting confrontation, since cameras weren’t allowed in the store, the housewives’ microphones were still on.
“You f***ing b***h. You talk about my f***ing daughter and I’ll f***ing kill you. What is wrong with you!” Tamra screamed.
“You hit me!?” Kelly yelled.
@ShannonBeador Was this hit caught on camera or is it going to be Tamra’s word against Kelly’s?
— LoveAndyC (@LoveAndyC) October 4, 2016
Did Tamra actually hit Kelly as Kelly claims? As previously reported by the Inquisitr , Tamra wrote in her blog that she only “ grabbed [Kelly’s] shoulders and yelled at her.” Tamra, on social media, also denied Kelly’s claim that she pushed a producer during the altercation. According to Tamra, she only slapped away the cell phone that he was trying to film with. Tamra also claimed that Kelly continued yelling about what a bad mom she was when they were all back on the bus.
Whether it was a hit, a push, or a grab, Kelly wants Tamra fired from The Real Housewives of Orange County for what she did. In response to a viewer who left a comment on one of her Instagram photos that criticized Tamra for laying hands on Kelly, Kelly said that Tamra should be fired as committing assault is against a contract rule.
“rhoc_kellyddodd: @karina01g they should fire her!! That’s against our contracts!! She is evil and a monster! Everyone is scared of her!”
Kelly defended herself against viewer criticism. In response to a viewer who criticized her for bringing up Tamra’s daughter, Kelly wrote that “sometimes the truth hurts” and that Tamra shouldn’t have hit her regardless of what was said.
“rhoc_kellyddodd: @worthlily well she is the one that told me about her relationship! She shouldn’t lie! I said it to Shannon as a knee jerk reaction! I shouldn’t of said it but we all say things we regret! And sometimes the truth hurts! She shouldn’t of hit me!! Hitting me is far worse!”
Kelly also wrote that she was just defending herself. She then called Shannon and Tamra “old hags.”
“rhoc_kellyddodd: @worthlily yeah when provoked and pushed to a wall. Yes I’m going to defend myself! Shannon set me up and I said that and Tamra is a liar!! Yes these old hags need to be put in their place yes!”
Kelly even took another dig at Tamra’s qualities as a mom. Kelly told one viewer who sympathized with Tamra’s pain that Tamra perhaps should be a better mom.
“rhoc_kellyddodd: @amster79 well perhaps she should be a better Mom!
Kelly added that her own daughter would never not talk to her.
“rhoc_kellyddodd: @qudralynn my daughter would not not talk to me!! Trust me!”
Tamra maintains that Kelly Dodd is lying about being hit. In a tweet posted on Tuesday evening, Tamra said that she’s laughing that a criminal like Kelly is making false accusations about her. Tamra asked people to pray for Kelly.
Tamra Judge then claimed that the whole cast, presumably including Vicki Gunvalson, agrees that Kelly Dodd should be fired from The Real Housewives of Orange County .
[Featured Image by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images]