Monday night’s Southern Charm Season 2 reunion show centered around Kathryn Dennis’ tumultuous relationship with Thomas Ravenel. Sitting across from one another, the two traded accusations and insults. At one point, Kathryn threatened to leave the reunion after Thomas accused her of fighting so loud with him in hotel rooms that they got kicked out. Yet, the reunion ended with Kathryn confessing that she still loves Thomas, and Thomas saying that he regrets some of the things he did and said.
Prior to the reunion show airing, Kathryn seemingly answered the question of whether she and Thomas, with whom she has a young daughter, are back together again. She posted a photo of herself with Thomas and stated that they’re watching the reunion show together. Standing close to one another, with Thomas’ arm around Kathryn’s waist, it certainly looks as if they’re giving their relationship another shot.
In response to the photo, a viewer accused Kathryn and Thomas of faking their relationship drama for the show. Kathryn denied faking things and said that her relationship with Thomas really is just that crazy and dramatic.
@coltsgirl14525 @Thomasravenel @Bravotv nope–anyone Who knows us knows that our life is just as crazy all screen as it is on screen.
— Kathryn C. Dennis (@KathrynDennis) June 2, 2015
Thomas and Kathryn probably cringed a lot while watching the reunion show. When host Andy Cohen asked Thomas if he’s supporting Kathryn, Kathryn said that he isn’t, both emotionally and financially. Thomas countered that he has offered to give Kathryn the max allowed under South Carolina law. Kathryn said that was a lie. When Thomas said that the amount offered was $2,500 a month, even Andy said that the amount seemed a little low.
Things then got ugly. The argument about money and trips descended into Kathryn accusing Thomas of cheating on her with a lesbian at a hotel, to which Thomas countered that Kathryn was with her also. The rest of the cast, especially Shep Rose and Cameran Eubanks, looked embarrassed at the outburst.
“Because you are a liar and are psycho. You left me to be with another woman. At the hotel… [Thomas: You mean the woman that you were with?] The woman that you f**ked with … The lesbian… She’s a wrestler. You f**ked her when we were together. You did f**k a lesbian.”
It’s not clear whether Thomas really is committed to being in a relationship with Kathryn again. As recently as last week, Thomas, in a blog post, maintained that it’s best that he and Kathryn remain apart .
“What’s better for our daughter? To be in a turbulent relationship all the time or having distance with someone? I can’t erase all these thoughts of what it is like to live with this person day to day. How can that make a marriage?”
One person who probably isn’t surprised that Thomas Ravenel and Kathryn Dennis reunited despite their personal attacks on the Southern Charm reunion show is Andy Cohen. As previously reported by the Inquisitr , Andy, after filming the reunion, remarked that he thinks that Thomas and Kathryn still really love each other .
[Photo by Rob Kim / Getty Images]