Former News Anchor Kari Lake is a Frequent Visitor to Donald Trump's Mar-A-Lago Estate: "She Practically Lives There"

Former News Anchor Kari Lake is a Frequent Visitor to Donald Trump's Mar-A-Lago Estate: "She Practically Lives There"
Cover Image Source; (Inset): Getty Images | Photo by Mario Tama

Kari Lake, a Republican firebrand and staunch Donald Trump supporter, is frequently sighted at the former president's Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida. Amid the politician's mounting legal woes and the presidential campaigns, the 54-year-old has been keeping him "good" company at his Palm Beach club.

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Mario Tama
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Mario Tama


According to a political source, Lake is beside the GOP front-runner amid the fast-approaching 2024 presidential elections. She has been spending a significant amount of time at the Beach Club. "Kari Lake is there all the time," the insider claimed. "There's a suite there that she practically lives in," reported PEOPLE. 

Lake, a journalist, lost her bid for Arizona governor, and similar to Trump, she also claimed the election was rigged against her. According to the source, the 77-year-old loves to hang out at Mar-a-Lago during the weekends, mingling and socializing, and he's said to also "turn the music up" from his curated playlist. 

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While Lake has been hanging out at the club, former First Lady Melania Trump generally keeps to herself. She's renowned for distancing herself from the spotlight. However, she ensures to catch up with her husband over dinner on Saturday nights at Mar-a-Lago. 

However, a senior adviser to Lake called these reports ridiculous. "Kari Lake often speaks at events all over the country in support of America First candidates and organizations, and when she does have the honor of being invited to speak at the beautiful Mar-a-Lago, she overnights at Hilton properties in Palm Beach with her loving husband of 25 years," defended the statement. 



The reports began circulating after Trump announced his presidential campaign for the 2024 elections. Another reason for Lake's frequent visits to Mar-a-Lago is she is eyeing to be Trump's "running mate" if he wins the second term in the White House. A source previously said, "She is working the deal. She wants something bigger, fast, to compensate for her loss in Arizona." And Trump "may be considering" it. 

Axios reported the former president was seriously considering a woman to be his running mate, and Lake was one of his top choices. She also won a straw poll for the Republican vice-presidential pick during the Conservative Action Political Conference in March. However, his spokesperson, Steven Cheung, said the former president has "no favorites." 

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"Anyone who thinks they know what President Trump is going to do is seriously misinformed and trying to curry favor with 'potential' V.P. candidates," said Cheung. "President Trump will choose his running mate on his own time, and those who are playing the media game are doing so at their own peril."

No wonder, the Daily Beast reported, Trump has apparently "less enthusiastic about Lake." People close to the 77-year-old said because she's an attention seeker, a "spotlight hound." Despite being the GOP front-runner's loudest cheerleader, which is a plus, the 45th POTUS doesn't like her "running around saying she should be Vice President." 



A spokesperson for Lake clarified, "MAGA world is more United [sic] than ever and ready to win big in 2024," saying this is nothing but a political vengeance by Team DeSantis. "He is that powerful as a leader; he doesn't really need anyone." 

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