A Kansas police officer who claimed that a McDonald’s employee had written the words “F*cking pig” on his coffee cup has admitted that he made the story up and has resigned from his position, Fox News reports.
As previously reported by The Inquisitr , Herington Police Chief Brian Hornaday said that one of his officers had gone to a Junction City McDonald’s. While there, the officer purportedly noticed that the obscene message about police officers had been written on his coffee cup. Hornaday also claimed that the officer, who was a military veteran who had only been on the town’s police force for a couple of months, had gone to the counter to complain and that he (the officer) had been offered a “free lunch” to make things right.
The incident caused a stir in the East-Central Kansas town. On the Geary County Sheriff’s Department Facebook page, commenters were livid, calling the alleged employee a “thug” who “disrespected law enforcement.” And as is always the case with such things, there were calls for boycotting the McDonald’s in question.
However, almost from the get-go things weren’t adding up. Hornaday admitted that neither he nor his department knew “the whole story.” Hornaday also admitted that the security-camera footage from the time of the purported incident didn’t clearly show an employee writing the offensive message on the cup.
Dana Cook, the owner of the franchise, was even more direct about what the security footage did and did not reveal. He said that the footage was conclusive in that it most certainly did not show one of his employees writing the offensive message on the cup.
“We thoroughly reviewed our security video from every angle, which clearly shows the words were not written by one of our employees,” Cook said.
Hornaday now admits that his employee made the whole thing up. Further, he said that the officer is no longer with the department, having turned in his resignation.
“Moving forward, the Herington Police Department will work tirelessly to regain to loss of trust with both McDonald’s and with the citizens that we serve,” he said.
The matter of how law enforcement officers are treated when they visit businesses has been an issue in the news of late, as several incidents of officers being mistreated at businesses have surfaced. For example, a Starbucks in Oklahoma caused a stir earlier this month when a police officer went into a Glenpool location to purchase drinks for his or her colleagues. The barista wrote the word “Pig” on each of the five drinks; the employee was later fired.